Hello There Splinterlanders!
So, My coach @davemccoy gives me a permit to access the Mavs account and have fun by spending his merits. 1M only and I bought 300 packs with 1500 bloodstones which work as the potions to double up the opportunity to get the gold cards and legendary cards. There's no way I will let this opportunity slip off.

Here are my first 100 packs that I opened and feels like all my body was sweating because of the shaking cards, LOL!

Here are the second row of the cards, another legendary and gold foil too. This activity is dangerous! you'll be an addict to opening the packs and put your cursor on the legendary card just to see it's shaking.

Alright, No golf foil but another 2 legendaries and now I'm shaking from head to toes. I really have fun opening these cards. The fact is I never opened so many packs in my life after 3 years of playing splinterlands. I couldn't afford it, so what?

There are 45 cards or 90 cards in total both regular and gold cards. Unfortunately, it's not easy to get one GFL for sure. No summoners though.

I opened another 200 packs out of curiousity and spend total of 690.000 merits for them.
I was trying to play the cards in the battle, but unfortunately, I found no suitable match. Why, you ask? No Mavs playing in novice league, but I did, LOL. So, I missed the chance to try these burnable not transferable cards today. Maybe I can use it in the brawl next 2 days. I really want to play them on the battlefield.
This is a test environment
The card has no market value but yes power. Just like other dice and untamed monsters, it has 10 DEC values for each common monster and 500 for the gold common monster, 40 and 2000 DEC for the rare and gold rare monster. 200 and 10000 DEC for the Epic and 1000 for the legendary.
here is my total luck from opening 300 packs

I think I'm still playing around silver 1 with this power, right?
Guess what? My coach said that I can purchase some more packs too! LOL.. I wish I can purchase them with my own merit points that I gain from brawling. But I don't think I can make that much. Maybe the game developer will come up with another nice good plan for small players like me with the gladiators for brawling too.
this is crazy cool! you buy these packs with merit points and play them in the brawl. I just couldn't wait to try it myself. Will share the moment with you in the next post for sure!
Nice one! Please hire me as your student 🙏🏻
lol... imnot a teacher, you're my fellow indonesian, we're friend and we can learn together