Splinterlands! Battling An Earth Daily Focus!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

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Hello everyone! I am here on Splinterlands and I have an Earth daily focus I am battling for! I ended up with 10 loot chests so not too bad as I did not battle too much! I wish I had time at the moment to battle more, LOL! I do love Earth focuses as Mylor is awesome and is great to use when so many players are using sneak cards!

It is also very fun to use the Llama Summoner on Earth too! I love giving the last stand ability to some odd cards and watching epic battles when they win! That is what I call fun! Don't miss my live stream tomorrow night on twitch at 7:00 PM EST! There is a Legendary Summoner Rathe on the Twitch Subscribers prize wheel! Twitch Followers will receive a gold foil Venari Heatsmith card. Twitch Subs receive that card and a wheel spin on this prize wheel below!

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Join me for a Splinterlands live-streamed tournament every Monday and Friday at 7:00 PM EST! Links to join are below! There are tons of giveaways during the stream, all you have to do to join them is to be active and present when you win!

Goodtrouble has a few tournaments set up for this Thursday and next Thursday! Will we see the Gold Foil Hype man? LOL! Maybe so!

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Join my Silver Tournament this Monday, August 8, 2022, at 7:00 PM EST for only 1 DEC HERE

Monday's Prize Wheel for my Twitch Subscribers! Twitch Followers and Subscribers receive a gold foil Venari Heatsmith if you win and Subs also get a wheel spin!
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HEREJoin Goodtrouble's @ty2nicerva tournament to be live streamed this Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM EST for only 1 DEC

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I am back at it Friday, August 12th at 7:00 PM with a Silver, Modern tournament for only a 1 DEC fee HERE

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I will see you all on Monday's live stream! Have an awesome Sunday in Splinterlands! I hope to see you on the battlefield! ~@clove71

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Immortal Gods is now RECRUITING! DM me, clove71#5266, in Discord f you have an excellent win rate and decent cards. Apply at the Guild, OR you can DM me. Gold foil cards are needed. Here are many IG League Guilds to choose from!

  • Use Your Crypto to buy Bitrefill Items like Twitch gift cards, Amazon, and so many more HERE

  • Use Coinbase to buy Crypto HERE

  • Use Leo Dex to buy cheap packs and DEC HERE

  • HEREAt @monstermarket, You Receive 3% Cashback on all card purchases

  • Check out their features like the packs and rewards analyzer HERE.
  • HERE. Please show him some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands posts!View rewards cards going out of print, get your season report card, and view cards by league cap by the great @kiokizz, @splinterstats

  • HERE, and show some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands post!Want to view Splinterlands stats? Check out @rafalski and his excellent Splinterlands stats

  • HERE and all their features!Check out @peakmonsters today

Splinterlands Custom Merch HERE

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I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!

I will see you all on the battlefield!

May the Monsters be with you.

Splinterlands Rep.

Follow myself & Goodtrouble on Twitch HERE
HEREChris Love @clove71 Follow the great @drabs587 on Twitch

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▶️ 3Speak


Nice meeting you I just joined splinter lands yesterday, still a novice i haven't bought my spell book so i don't know what it is out there very soon am buying my book good to see you and thanks for sharing about the giveaway

You can try it out, play for free. Welcome to Splinterlands!!!😃😃

Gold Xenith Archer is something everyone looks for in a packs, low mana cost and +1 health with a gold card.

A very informative and interesting stream to watch and enjoy. Thanks

Yes, its a great card! Thanks for being here!

This is actully super epic that you run a tournament and giveaways on your live stream!

Thank you! I have given away do much its craxy lol! I gave away 67 land plots when they first came out! Im nuts 😂

Holly cow! At the time that must have been like $67,000 lol they have shrunk in price a lot since then but maybe we will see value come back on the release of the non card market and hype around that?

Earth is one of the most fantastic elements on the game, specially their summoners.

Yes! It is fun with Llama and Mylor if they sneak LOL

These daily focus requirements seems to not be working properly. For instance your earth splinter daily quest some matches don’t allow you to select earth splinter in battle. Yet a win earns you focus points still. Interesting.

I don't think I got any credits there when I did not win a match, the video was 45+ minutes too long so I had to cut out some battles.