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I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!
I will see you all on the battlefield!
May the Monsters be with you.
Splinterlands RepChris Love @clove71
▶️ 3Speak
Nice one ma'am, you are indeed lucky. Yesterday I saw your tweet about GFL and today epic Noiceeeeeeeeeeeeeee😂 My experience with the game is fantabulous beyond words so yep I am here and enjoying although I don't get such cool Gold foils still I am very happy ;)
You are such an amazing player! Good luck with this giveaway!
Just wanted to point out a few days ago you gave me 2k DEC and I went and bought a quest potion and mystery potion. Did not earn much with the quest potion, but guess what I got in the mystery potion? Thanks!
YES!! Congratulations! This is awesome!!!
There as a time when I was purchasing Mystery Potiions to pull the Archmage Arius. I did not pull it, but I was getting different stuff, and I can't say that it was a great minus - I did not calculate, but it looked fun and even with Quest Potions Rewards were giving to me different extra GF Epic, GF Rare, Common cards (of course it was big luck, not guarantee of any kind)).
I was upset to know the Price Julian was lost it's debuff -1 HP Ability, so I interrupted buying the Mystery Potions for its pulling.
Later I renewed my attempts to pull Mighty Dricken. But luck didn't smile on me. I didn't buy any more mystical potions. I already have enough common potions for opening packs, since I rarely open packs. Well, and I only got quest potions from Mystical ones and I never bought them directly. Perhaps it was worth doing when the rewards were only as cards.)
I wanted that AArius card too! Good luck to you with this giveaway!
Congrats clove! I personally never tried Quest potions because I don't believe they are worth it but if I win, I might take it out for a spin. Nothing to lose right?
For Gold and Legendary potions, they have helped me get a lot of Gold Foil legendaries, I think 4 out of 7 of my Gold Foil Legendaries were because of those potions, I believe you can check it with the seed checker that is shown after you open your packs.
I have used Mystery Potions before and have received a Mighty Dricken but I have given up on it because I don't seem to get any land plots from it even though I ran 30 in a row.
YES! You can try it (the Quest potion which adds 5 loot chests to your daily quest) for free for 11 days if you win this giveaway! Good luck!!
Congratulations Clove. I used to buy the daily quest potions when we had the old tournament format, but I stopped when I couldn't win dec with the new 24 hour format. That's why I love your tournaments so much.
Good luck to you with the giveaway!
Congratulations! Since the potions stopped being used in reward cards, I basically forgot about potions at all! Still tried my luck long ago with mystery potions, but it was only a waste of dec 😁.
How long did you try them? I have had a few times here or there at the beginning of potions, after using them for weeks and not ever getting an Archmage Arius. I want that card, LOL! I missed a lot of days getting the potions though so I think that did not help and also you are not guaranteed anything, it's all luck! . Then I started buying the mystery potions in bulk. the buy 10 get a free pack! I never missed it anymore as I was good for 11 days! Anyways- after I pulled like 2 Prince Julians I think and about 3 Mighty Drickens or so, I was a big fan! I also pulled a land plot last week! Good luck with my giveaway for the &7.5 DEC for 11 days of Quest potions!
Congrats @clove71. I'm glad those potions are still working well for you!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks and good luck to you with this giveaway!
Hello clove, congrats on your reward. I find the quest potion very expensive though :O
Good luck with the givbeaway!
Congrats on the gold foil card pull.
I am not a big fan of the potions as I have been able to win the Legendaries and gold foiled ones without potions and when there were required number of potions used, I didn't get even a rare one nor any epic r legendary...
Not sure, may be I am not that lucky :)
Good luck with the giveaway!
Well, I have 0 experience with quest and mystery potion as I do not have enough Dec to even try them. But for sure I'm willing to throw DEC for those legendary and alchemy potions as they've pretty much helped me get a lot of great cards from packs which I mainly get from giveaways. Thanks clove!
Good luck for the giveaway!
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Since I am not still fairly new and do not have enough income to cover the cost of potions, I only have experience with the ones you win from quests. Also, I have only purchase two packs (with my DEC earnings), so I haven't even used those potions much. I did, however, pull a Gold Silversheild Sheriff from that last pack that I use frequently in my Life quests.
Nice card! Good luck with the giveaway!
I remember I got like 4 gf from 2-3 packs on the 31st December. and till that time no gf even though i use potions xD. but nevertheless the ending was right. and the beginning was just perfect
Nice!! Good luck to you!
I have bough 50 mystery potions back when they used to drop AA and PJ, I never got lucky enough to get one of them but I managed to get even getting some ORBs. After orbs where done and Dricken went out of print I gave up, because, if they add DICE to the potion I would try again.
Legendary and Alchemy potions are the best overall, they are really worth it.
Yeah, I had to start buying in bulk so I never missed any days then started getting lucky with prince julian and Mighty Dricken, good luck to you!
I use all the potions! Really loving the mystery potion. It gives me a reason to login every morning. I know that it will be there waiting for me. I love that in a game. (wish quests were the same way. :) )
Nice!! I love it too, a little more when you could pull the great cards but I still love it! Good luck to you!
As I just started playing this game last week I didn't know about the potions before opening my first packs. Fortunately I pulled a gold foil thunderbird on my second pack but now that I know about the potions hopefully I can afford more soon! Thanks for all the giveaways and information!!
Welcome to Splinterlands! Good luck to you!
I try and use potions for every daily quest specially in lower leagues.
Nice, I love the 5 extra loot chests! Good luck with the giveaway!
Hi Clove71,
My experience with potions is limited but I regularly use alchemy and legendary potions.
I did try the Quest Potion once but I'm not certain they are worthwhile at the Bronze level. Thoughts?
I'm also curious as to what your thoughts are on the daily mystery potions?
Your YouTube videos have been helpful as I become more familiar with Splinterlands and 3Speak etc.
I did not know about the quest position and thanks to you for sharing. I will use it in my next quest and see how it works. Its certainly a nice way to get a better quest reward.
Yes, you get 5 extra loot chest, I love it! Good luck with the giveaway!
Hello, in a daily quest I won an orb, at that time they did not give the positions and I bought 5 of each one, my surprise a vibrated card and I won a golden warlock minotaur, that was my first GFL
Posted using Dapplr
NICE CARD!!!! Good luck to you with the giveaway!!
I never bought any potions but I do use the potions I get from reward chests. I just didn't see the DEC price to be worth the gamble. I like the alchemy and legendary potions but I never seem to get much luck with cards as I have yet to get a gold foil legendary.
Yep, it's all about luck, Goo luck with this giveaway!
Congrats clove! I'm new to the game and didn't even know about potions before i saw your video. Thank you very much for the explanation about potions and for this giveaway.
Welcome to Splinterlands! I looked but did not see any battles from you. Good luck with this giveaway!
Congrats Clove. I used legendary and alchemy potions only.
Thanks!! Good luck to you with the giveaway!
Man clove, wow you winning all the gold cards! Congrats!
Yes, I did with 2 daily quests in a row! Crazy! LOL! Good luck to you with the giveaway!
The only option I don't use is the mystery potion. Sometimes I don't have enough dec for the quest potion but I do my best to make sure I have one.
Good luck to you!
Congrats on the pull! I've spent all my DEC on legendary and alchemy potions, but didn't get anything for them (used 5 potions per booster pack I tried). Maybe I'll try those +5 chest item potions!
Good luck to you!