Yeah I know, it's very strange. I don't get why people would design some script to spam comments on their own posts lol. Super sketchy.. this one account has the same number of accounts doing it, switching it up between different ones, retiring ones that probably go past their useful lifespan.
Such is monetized behavior on the internet though. Best we can hope for is to keep driving users, innovation and market price to go up.
In my opinion, there are more ways to earn money online than through being a content creator. This new generation of online entrepreneurs has successfully devalued the importance of content creation and prioritized defi, blockchain gaming and acquiring online assets like NFTs. Hive, I think is missing the boat by over shadowing its first layer wallet with un-needed and irrelevant content/ circle jerks in terms of what it is truly designed to do... defi, blockchain gaming and acquiring online assets like NFTs(Smart contracts with 3 sec transactions is key) as well as allowing for second layer communities/ front ends.
Hopefully, we wall off the first layer of Hive so downvotes make sense since people making them would be actual investors in said 2nd layer community/front end and not just a legacy investor not involved in said community thumbing people down. We have a small group of whales driving the culture of Hive which is aimed at keeping Hive on Upbit(seemingly) and pushing pro authoritarian/centralized content.
Hopefully, once or if, Hive is listed on other exchanges and have it be just a 1st layer wallet(s) than maybe we can see greater use of Hive past a weird rewards pool system that encourages circle jerks and spam; with a more diverse investor group.
You seem to have a greater thumb on the pulse of Hive, that's for sure! I appreciate that perspective, even though it's your own, I think it's good to have sobering and realistic things like that on the mind.
It would be good to have a greater presence in DeFi and NFT's that's for sure. I've been thinking of ways to make additional money besides just posting. We are going to create a YT channel (groan, I know, but that's where the money is for the content we are trying) but would love to diversify into other areas, especially NFT's. My wife is getting good at photography so it would be interesting to see if we could try to create some NFT's out of that passion.
Yeah man... It would be cool to see @nftshoowroom further incorporate a way to allow cross chain asset allocation. The nft artists here on Hive is amazing! They are unique in so many ways that makes Hive stand out in a big way. I see the move towards such ventures with NFT assets and cross chain availability. Seems with smart contracts that would be the best way as using the BTC lightning network third party apps that twitter uses would make the smart contract thing tricky.
With that being said, once I finish building my SPL deck and have a few key things happen with personal stuff; I will be going hard on twitter looking for satoshis and promoting my nft collection as well as SPL cards/battles.
Not too sure youtube is on the crypto movement just yet. maybe they will be once Fauxbook figures out their coin.