Earn free 1-2 SPS by joining a discord!

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Edit (on August 18, 2021): Please Message Me On Discord Once You Finish!!!!

Free SPS?! Yes you heard that right!!! 60+ paid out so far and counting!

I will give you 1 SPS to join this link - https://discord.gg/AWz9NyDSEz

PLUSSSSS another 1 SPS if you verify your discord account in 10 mins !

I get 1 invite every time someone uses discord link + verifies, but if you leave the server after verification, the invite is removed. Please try to stay in the server if you can :)

I can accommodate 500 people.

Simply get started by clicking the link above and once you're done, see below! drop your splinterlands ign in the comments below :)

Please message me on discord DawnChorus#1261 once you're done. I can't keep commenting cuz of lack of resource credits lol

Cheers and thanks in advance!


Your discord says fails to upload. I wanted to join but that's the problem.

hmm already got 5 people done it and it worked for them. does it still say failed to load?

what's the alt-identifier for which is not part of Discord Service? My account is already verified in Discord, it seems this process is dubious. How can I be sure it is not phising site?

it's not phishing and u can check using the site's certificate credentials. if you have verified and joined though what is your ign? I can pay u 2 sps still cuz at least u attempted to verify :P

Guys do not join this discord. The modus is very questionable. I have already a verified discord account and yet the discord owner still ask me to get verified using a link that is not related to discord.com. And there is even a timer for verification which seems force you to verify to get that small SPS. On top of that, this account has very low reputation.

lol please don't comment without doing your research. https://altdentifier.com/ is the best discord verifier used by 70k+ discords and it is simply used in this discord to prevent mass botting. and also because u get rewards thru invite so they don't want 10000 bots flooding.

I joint the discord server and verified. My account name is @muarco

sent! thanks

Just joined the discord server! @fjasilum

I've also finished verifying my account. Thanks in advance bud! Here's my Splinterlands IGN by the way @fjasilum

sent in discord^^

Hello! I joined and verified. My ign is themajor9

Hello! I just joined the discord channel and got verified. Here's my splinterlands ign @aesopqq. Thanks!

discord name : YasuFuma(Ryme)#5045

done joining splinterlands : @yasufuma

discord: Aliff Haikal#6254
already join dis@abszero

Joined, my account on discord : Thura#9278