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RE: Splinterlands | Moving Beyond Ponzinomics !

in Splinterlandslast year

I still see land as just an attempt to give older cards a continued use case trying to use the ponzinomics creating more assets out of thin air with a promise that it will pay off in the future. It likely will be another prize that needs to be paid holding the ecosystem back at some point in time.


Yeah, I hate those surprise payments, power cores and all that. Instead of rewarding holders of older cards, they actually implement new payments if we wanna put cards to work for us, cards that keep losing value.

I was interested in buying land some time ago but nah, don't wanna be on the losing side all the time :D

Exactly, trust is one of the major issues.

Land plot claims at some point went for 700$ (which was a crazy inflated price to be honest) rewarding those who took the risk on the pre-sale. Devs saw a window to take part of that value introducing DEC staking requirements, and a ton of other costs to operate land which crashed the prices of both land and cards. The same thing was done moving all the bots to wild making the new cards worth exponentially more compared to the older ones to sell packs. And by replacing Collection power requirements with SPS staking requirements. Same thing now with the Ranked changes which are mostly in place to increase the pay2win in hopes to sell more packs.

It's part of the reasons why players are exiting or no longer willing to put fresh money in. All of it is sacrificing the value of one asset to increase the value of another while constantly introducing new assets and currencies.

There is also this trend of the company wanting to get Stable assets from the DAO which the community isn't really fond about. I also don't get why the promo event needs 100k worth of assets as 'rewards' which is basically the company dumping some of their holding inflating and crashing the prices even more.

The difficulty is that there are so many different assets in the game that have value that it's impossible to keep them all up. In the end the only real things that can save us is new players coming in which all focus should be on.

There is also this trend of the company wanting to get Stable assets from the DAO which the community isn't really fond about. I also don't get why the promo event needs 100k worth of assets as 'rewards' which is basically the company dumping some of their holding inflating and crashing the prices even more.

They probably wouldn't get 100K if they sold those assets on the open market. Not enough liquidity in the packs and cards market.

I wonder if they still that short on funds and runway that they need to sell off some of their asset holdings to keep going at a time when everything is down that much. One thing is sure right now especially with this latest update, the community sentiment is at an all-time low and I guess many will be throwing the towel the coming weeks.

The DAO should be holding stable coins (non Splinterlands assets) as an emergency fund to keep the game going. Frankly I don't care at all about any promo right now.

basically the company dumping some of their holding inflating and crashing the prices even more.

Yeah, I didn't think of that part. Would probably hurt old card prices.

And by replacing Collection power requirements with SPS staking requirements

Man, this really hurt the card market and even though I though I thought it would really push SPS price, that was only momentary.

Perhaps there was(or is) trust in the new players will jump in during the bull run, just like you and save us....

While waiting that to happen, unfortunately, all I see now is the lack of demand everywhere: cards, SPS... Only Rebellion cards & packs still have demand but I'm afraid we all know what's going to happen to those eventually.

Hope I'm wrong though.

It's only a matter of time before those prices start falling off a cliff which is what forces me to stay away. In the meantime, the same old issue of crazy ratings inflation is back which was the reason why leagues and collection was introduced. With a level 3 rare summoner sliver deck on my alt account, I'm now in Diamond 2.

Ha! I'm in Wild Diamond II with level 2-4 summoners! It wasn't long ago when I was struggling even to to Gold and my deck hasn't improved that much. Wild has really come down lately...

I was just reading about DAO vote discussion over on X, interesting to see which way SPL is going... I really hope this is just a passing phase.