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RE: Soulbound Reward Card Proposal - Immediate and Ongoing Accessibility

in Splinterlands3 months ago

I like the idea of instant unlocks so everyone who wants can actually buy the cards and will be voting for it.

However, the entire unlock mechanics set by the team are just stupid and a massive missed opportunity not solving the core issue. It tries to burn some DEC (giving the majority an incentive to just keep them soulbound and continue earning) to possibly get to a point where SPS has to be burned getting that supply down and the price up and because of that get the demand and price of cards back up.

The main issue of the game is that there is a crazy oversupply in cards and a guarantee for prices to crash during their life cycle as they get dumped into Wild. Because of this nobody rightfully so is willing to buy new packs which lowers the revenue. Putting even more cards in circulation from the soulbounds that will get unlocked is adding to the problem, similar to how creating 5x2 Promo cards will create more supply and how introducing DEC-B created more supply to try and fix the DEC oversupply, and how introducing vouchers took away from demand for DEC.

What they should do is require a similar type of card to be burned to unlock a soulbound card as an option instead of the 10x Burn Value. This along with a bonus for anyone who is NOT using Locked Soulbound cards in their decks. This will at least not increase the card supply and create demand for the currently way too cheap cards that hold sales and new players back. They need to give cards bought with money an advantage over free cards given out from gameplay time.

Everyone who will be unlocking Soublound cards at 10x the DEC Value or more is just picking up pennies in front on a freight train with a big chance to get crushed as not so long from now they already will be dumped in Wild.

 3 months ago  

I love this idea. I know this idea has been floating around for a little while now and would be happy to incorporate this into the suggested implementation. We've ~6 days to come up with some more precise numbers & exchange rates. Have nudged a couple people to weigh in here, as well. Thanks!

Thanks, I wrote the idea down and how the current unlock mechanism likely will make things worse more extensively Here

I really hope they come to their senses somehow and understand that they need to take care of card supply and values if they ever want to attract new players.

They need to give cards bought with money an advantage over free cards given out from gameplay time.


I stole that line from you and 100% agree, there are zero reasons for anyone to unlock right now and it would only increase the supply even more.

 3 months ago  

Yup, I agree here, too. I'd love to see ownership prioritized over rentals / delegations in terms of rewards. And honestly, I'd love to see that extend into staked SPS, as well.

This is something that makes sense to me. I plan on being very cautious with overpaying to unlock when i know its just a race to sell. Why else would you unlock unless to sell the card and sure if the demand is there great but just some simple math kinda throws that out very quickly.

MAX GFL is 52500 CP, so if im going off 20x, were talking over a mil DEC when i can do buy a max GFL for 100k DEC right now in the same set for chaos. Even at 5x, were talking about 2.5x the price of buying a comparison and thats not even accounting for the "markup" the seller will try to make. I think itll be a disaster for those that try to unlock them or noone will do it.

Your proposal would help to bridge the two values together. say something take a GFL and burns a Chaos GFL for it. Cost them 100k DEC to buy one but maybe they can sell GFL reward for 250k due to rarity. The consequence is the Chaos set increases as the reward set decreases until it finds an equilibrium and it isnt worth it to do so anymore. The more i type it out the more I like it.

The only thing that sucks for someone like me and im sure others is that what incentive do i have to unlock for land. If i am just trading production for production there really is no benefit. Maybe there could be a landbound option where you can burn at 50% rate but then it is bound to your account still but a land functionality unlocks. 50% may still be too high, would have to be discussed.

The proposal from the OG post isnt going to pass so @costanza, think you should get a proposal together and ask for donations for funding it if needed. Id be willing to throw in.

I really doubt the demand will be there for players to buy unlocked cards, initially maybe some who failed to get specific cards to a certain level. As a buyer you can easily put the price you are willing to pay at pennies profit compared to the unlock cost as there are many people who left the game and are going to be willing to unlock and sell at a tiny profit. The entire setup now is just stupid and it will make things worse. I wrote more about the idea today Here

Yes, I do need to unlock some of my sb in my alt in order to max sb's in my main, so, dumping cards in the market is not priority for everyone.

I think this is an important approach to how cards should be unlocked, I think there are already too many burning mechanisms for DEC, this way of unlocking them is interesting and more because it reduces the large supply of cards currently present.

The way I see it, they just have the order mixed up. Card prices are vital as everyone in the game sees them as their main investment. It will never work to get more players in to restore their values, instead, values need to be restored somehow to bring new players in. There are too many cards and players are sure to lose if they buy packs. The current way of unlocking doesn't solve any of this and makes it worse.

I like this much better, even if we have to burn 2x bcx of a card in order to unlock 1x bcx of a soulbound, this measure sounds even more deflationary and fair than 10x dec burn to unlock, which most people can't afford to pay even if they wanted to.
Overpricing has been a huge problem for this company ever since CL, seems like prices are thought to be paid only by a very exclusive elite, most of which I doubt they are still here.

Indeed, it doesn't make sense for anyone to unlock their cards even if they were financially able to. A max set of Soulbound Reward cards which has 43 cards in it would cost 1438$ while a max Chaos Legion set of 103 cards costs under 600$.

Cards need to be burned so things get evened out. Otherwise, new cards will never ever keep their value as players are much better off botting with the cheapest cards in Wild once the new cards get dumped in there.