Greetings summoners!
Welcome back to creepy side ...
RULESET: Taking sides
No neutral units may be used. (My poor Runi is benched 😫)
This week`s highlighted rule is pretty much self-explanatory. It is not even really necessary to understand/know it, because of its restrictive nature. Neutral monsters can not be drafted and therefore they are not even offered when choosing your team.
Nevertheless, lets check out this week`s hot battle. ⚔️
We are in Diamond (max. lvl cards).😀
We have 58 mana to work with.
Rules are highlighted "taking sides" - no neutral monsters
and reborn (self-resurrection of monsters/cards once per battle).
Only earth, life and dragon splinters are available.
For this battle I put Drybone barbarian in first spot to serve as sturdy tank with ability to deal heavy blows - counting on its enrage and retaliate abilities.
Carnage titan in second spot serves pretty much similar purpose of dealing max. possible damage while being hard to clean off the board.
Real core of my composition is Iziar in third spot. I`m lucky enough to have a lvl 3 copy, which is the lvl that gives Iziar martyr ability - buffing adjacted Carnage titan and Chaos dragon - The dragon serving sole purpose of blasting chaotic bombs on opponent.
Adelade Brightwing in 5th spot for ressurect + repair abilites and Naga assasin in 6th for sweet sweet speed.
Kitty looks tough (not really - just look at that sweet face) 🤡... but our Chaos Dragon is getting stronger and stronger ... It will be very very very close ...
No spoilers BTW!
Check it out for yourself!
Have we defeated Kitty?
Battle link!
Till next time ...Yours truly, yours creepily - creeptor
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already did that ;) thank u for upvote
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar