90 Day or Newer Commentary--From the Noobs Themselves--Upvote Your Favorite SPLINTERLANDS GAME NEWBIES

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)


Here your chance as a newbie to The Splinterlands to drop a comment on this post and share your experience, background, or whatever you would want to share with the community in a chance to receive a SPT token upvote, offering you a chance to stake the SPT token on hive-engine and receive a nice little reward and make yourself more familiar with some of the other aspects than just purely addictive gameplay.

Simply put in the comment section a brief and to the point statement (doesn't have to be a novel but there is no content limit). Maybe even link a hive post, or a shared tweet on twitter, or some other social platform that spreads the word about what is still the best kept secret in blockchain gaming.

All I ask is that you post the number of days you've been here and your in game account name. This will allow others who have staked Splintertalk Tokens to vote your comment as they see fit, and help a newbie a bit in the process.

Remember your staking of the token will gain you extra bits of SPS tokens in the daily airdrop-so make sure you familiarize yourself when the comment upvotes are paid out in 7 days.

I ask that if you are more than 90 days into this game you refrain from participating in the direct comment (original) thread content--we want those that are the newest to see what kind of community we are here in The Splinterlands--that is the only rule on eligibility. Have fun, enjoy and we all look forward to your sharing of early experience or whatever it is you think the community would want to hear about your new fun and exciting endeavor!


I have started playing splinterlands 1 week ago. I have completed my first season as Silver1. I had to rent so many gold cards to hit 70k Power cap but worth it !
My next season goal is to complete as diamond.
Here is my post which i share my season rewards!

My favorite summoner cards are mylor crowling and Owster Rotwell! I have played mylor against melee heavy opponents and owster against magic heavy opponents.
My favorite monster cards are furious chicken🤣,Failed summoner and Epona!
I have enjoyed playing splinterlands so far and recommend it to my friends.

This is great to hear @radhruin. The cool thing you will see over time is the reward cards you earn today become the older and hard to get cards over time when they quit being printed. Also if the game continues this growth rate the next series of reward cards are likely to have higher print numbers, making these print runs much smaller than the newer ones. If you can make diamond that would be stellar. This is really cool to hear, and if you see this post up again feel free to drop a comment in this series. It's been really cool and I like to hear from new players like yourself and if there is any info or helpful tips some more veteran members of the game can pass on would be the idea of this. Keep up the great work and keep grinding-this doesn't happen all at once but has happened for everyone over a relative period of time.

Welcome to the game, good luck on your Splinterlands journey.

Started a days ago and i am in love with the game, but do you know what excites me the most ? İt is this blogging THİNG, i didn't know about my passion in writing such things until i got here..
You can see my latest article here

That is a great post. Don't worry, you will get your name out fast here in that respect. The game when it started was very blog heavy, slowed down a bunch, and now if we get more like you this will be a blast. Rough draw on the rewards. That's alright. Some time you will pull something you totally don't deserve and then it's even that much more sweeter. Sometimes they're rough like that, you just got to get numbers on your side and keep pulling them. This is great to see this kind of effort and I hope you keep this up it makes the place that much more better.

Thanks for that support, i hope i will continue on this rhythm.
i think i will get along with the prizes, at last it is based on probabilities.

Something to bear in mind the rewards you earn today are part of the most valuable thing the game has going forward: limited out of print cards. 400,000 commons doesn't sound too limited, but a lot of people don't consider that with the expansion of the "Modern and Wildcard" formats the quantity of rewards double into two leagues. The master programmer yaba is not big on having to constantly re-create so many cards at 10x the speed he used to. So we might see quite a jump at some point in reward cards printed. 1 million common prints, 2 million common prints (and other rarities likely to a similar uptick in scale)- not out of the question one bit. The cards many of us old to the game that grumbled about getting 2 years ago for reward cards are exploding in value for a lot of reasons, but mainly print run and no longer being printed. It's certainly something to consider, and being long to the game something I really look forward to is the next new set. It gives the newbies and the vets equally footing when we're all starting off at zero. Then there's land which I think is going to be the biggest development the game has ever had to this point. All of the other stuff is amazing, but land I think is what blows the whole thing open to some very exciting levels.

Took me quite a bit to understand it all, so the new packs would give us (the newbies) a good chance to jump on the train. İ don't know if i would afford buying land or even packs, but i think the DEC price would decrease until then and maybe i would come on board🤗

Its good to see new Splinterland players exploring the HIVE network.

Good luck with your Splinterlands and Blogging journey.

Thanks, trying my best

Thanks, trying my best

I'm trying, but recognize I still suck at the game. Hopefully with time (and great perseverance) this will change for the better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Having been here for a while now something a lot of in that situation is that we do forget how tough it is figuring out all of the gameplay and every nuance of the game involved. Those that have taken a longer term approach have done the best--those that try to make it all happen at once burn very quickly. The more you plug away the better you will understand where you fit in the system of the game and it will get a lot easier much more quickly. What is your in game splinterlands account name @kevinnag58 ?

Yes, @kevinnag58 is my in-game account name. I try to use it consistently throughout HIVE.

As for the game, I plan on playing for the long term, so for now I just keep plugging, trying new things all the time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep at it, good luck in your Splinterlands journey.

Thank you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

BEERHey @kevinnag58, here is a little bit of from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

So far 3 days in, and loving the game. Its addicting and difficult at least trying to find the cards and what to play.
Shout out to Freetag for on discord for guides.

https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@freeztag/splinterlands-or-bronze-strategies-or-fire-strategy-with-malric-inferno @shizai

That's great and welcome to the fun and craziness @shizai. It's really important to pay attention to what lineup is beating you and watch the battle all the way through--you gain a full blown understanding of how and why matches result in how they do. That's an excellent post and I would definitely keep following the advice by freetag, that's a really well thought out post. It takes a bit to learn the mechanics and game issues earlier on but it like anything it will make much more sense as you build experience.

The game is allot of fun, good luck on your journey with it.

just got into the game about 2 weeks back! Iv got to say im hooked. Got into silver 3 just using strter pack+rentals based on profits and this season, iv made two accounts and im grinding both with a small investment just to see how profitable renting is. Will be dropping a major investment right after/ through chaos legion!
P.S. Just bought my first two cards using a 1k DEC quest reward :)

I am about a week into playing the game. Downloaded originally on iOS last month as I learned more about crypto gaming. Tried some other stuff like Uplands and that was boring to me. Super glad I started playing this game since it is the opposite of boring.

At first it was like most new things and felt overwhelming (still does) with not only the game mechanics, but the ecosystem built around the game with renting, purchasing, etc. I feel like I have some of the basics down now in the game, but would really like to learn more about renting and deck building for the long term.

btw, @hurricanetim is my account and already have 200+ games played in about a week. Looking forward to learning more stuff and getting more involved in the community.