Good day Folks! As a continuation from my first post regarding quest potions here's another result of my daily reward quest using quest potion.
My initial investment was $10 (spell book) + $2 (quest potions)
I know it depends on the drop rate or how lucky your fingers are, pulling out great rewards, but for me getting cards on those chests regardless of the rarity is already a good investment in the future! just keep and hold, Splinterlands game is booming! and only the ones who truly love the game and willing to keep your treasures will truly win.
Did you buy quest potion for your daily quest today? Share the results on the comments below.. like what I said regardless the result those rewards are still a return of investment. let's enjoy the game!
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Stay tuned to my blog channel for more blog tutorials about splinterlands, playtoearn games, NFT games and lot more!
Stay safe folks! health is wealth!
Wow! Sweet! Over $21
Yep, got my return of investment already and still getting more hyped as this seasons ends..
The world needs to know about this possibilities
wow I totally did not realise you can buff your daily quest rewards by drinking potions. All this time..
You can either use your DEC earnings or simply buy credits which only costs me $2 for 2000 game credits thats 2 quest potions already with a remainder of 500 credits.