Greetings fellow Splintercreatures,
OMG two posts in one day what???? Am I even the same chikken?
yES. This is me. A hastily snipped JPG of the most amazing creature in existence. But it's time for me to shut up. Soon, I promise.
See, I've been thinking for a while about starting a fresh account, since I've been in this since Untamed dropped, and I'm out of touch with the new kids on the block. I NEED to know, for my research, what the free spellbook looks like now, what the new user UX feels like, what concentrated actions yield the most progress. But what would I DO with a second account? Bot? I'm not about contributing to the all-consuming invisible giant of Splinterlands :O. Play two accounts in tandem? What do I look like, a Furious Hydrikken? None of these are the way of the Hunab-Kru. Neither of these paths has a heart, and so I shall not walk them.
Be you a curious creature with no spellbook looking to check out what blockchain games are about (then how are you on splintertalk but also hmu), a disenfranchised Novice/Bronze player sick of the grind, etc. (I promise fitting a predefined category is not the same as being important), I want YOU to do some testing with me, and I will do my low tier cluckster best to take you under my wing in this harsh Splintered Land.
What this looks like has not been determined yet because the flash of inspiration is fresh in my mind, but we can talk. Comment below and we'll figure out how. Some things I'm looking to do are: delegate specific cards to see their impact in a vacuum, chat about viable out-of-spellbook strategies, check out the metagame in your rank and see how we can trash everyone else in it with budget picks, etc etc etc. There WILL be renumeration, and that's on the list of things to be figured out.
Above all else though, what I am hoping for is to build a relationship with someone in the community and create an upwards spiral of value for the both of us.
@cryptochikken OUT
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