6 Essential Cards for Newcomers and How to use them

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Hello everybody! I've seen much sentiment on the Telegram and Reddit groups, stating that the game is too 'pricy' for newcomers. Well, I'm here once again to break that myth!

In this article, I am going to talk about some essential starter cards to make your journey to Silver League much easier. I will be introducing these cards and explaining the right method to use them.

These are the 6 Essential Cards. 4 of them are Neutral cards and 2 of them are Summoner cards. I'm sure you've heard of some of them before but I'll just reiterate their importance in this article!

  1. Goblin Mech
  2. Creeping Ooze
  3. Sand Worm
  4. Furious Chicken
  5. Mylor Crawling (Summoner)
  6. Lorna Shine (Summoner)

These 6 cards are extremely important if you want to get out of the Bronze trap! I assure you, these cards will make your grind pretty smooth sailing.

1: Goblin Mech

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Goblin Mech is a really good card simply because of its high mana. If you just started the game, chances are you won't be able to fully utilize all the mana in high mana game modes. Goblin Mech makes the perfect fill to those games. Furthermore, if you're not playing fire (where the default tank will always be Living Lava), Goblin Mech makes a good tank for your team.

Before playing this card, take note of your opponent's last played deck. You will be able to see it when you find a match.

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Goblin Mech is extremely weak against Magic. If you notice that their deck comprises of magic monsters (or they just play Water element throughout), avoid using Goblin Mech. Other than that, this card is a pretty good tank for lower leagues.

Moreover, this card is extremely cheap to rent (0.1 DEC). Just rent one for the day and see its true power in action.

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2: Creeping Ooze

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Creeping Ooze is extremely powerful in low leagues because of its low mana cost and its Slow ability (Reduces the Speed of all enemy monsters). This card is frequently used as a filler for many game modes because the starter pack you get from buying the spellbook severely lacks 1 mana card. I must emphasize that the slow is extremely powerful, so try not to put Creeping Ooze at the first, second or last position because you don't want this card to die so early in the game. Place Creeping Ooze at the middle position of your team and it should work wonders for you.

Creeping Ooze is also pretty cheap (1.80 DEC) so you'll have no problems renting this card!

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3: Sand Worm

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Sand Worm is another high mana card that is good for the game modes that have a high mana threshold. You will almost always use this card if you have 40+ mana to spend on. However, you have to take note that your opponent will use this card too, so don't put this card at the last position because their Sand Worm will just destroy your Sand Worm. 3rd last position or 3rd position from the front is ideal.

On a side note, you don't really play this card as a staple (unlike Goblin Mech where you can choose to play it every game if the game mode permits) because Sand Worm is not a really good card to be perfectly honest. Its 9 mana 1 speed is incredible mana-inefficient, and there are better sneak cards out there that do better than the Sand Worm.

However, there is a game mode where the speed is reversed (lower speed gets to attack first). That's where this card shines the most. Take note of that game mode and use this card to destroy unsuspecting newcomers!

Once again, this card is pretty cheap to rent (0.1 DEC). Always better to have more cards in your arsenal!

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4: Furious Chicken

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Furious Chicken is great because it simply acts as a fill for any deck. Usually with low mana game modes, you will not have enough mana to fill all 6 monsters. Well, you can just use Furious Chicken to fill in a slot. Furious chicken is best used at the first, second or the last position (in case of sneak) to soak up damage at the start of the game.

For example, if you have a Goblin Mech vs Goblin Mech matchup, but you have Furious Chicken as your first position card, you will likely win the matchup because your Goblin Mech will get to hit their Goblin Mech first after your chicken dies to their Goblin Mech. Sounds confusing, but you'll see this strategy from your opponents in your matches soon!

Personally, I don't really rent furious chicken because it is quite expensive, especially at a higher level. If you are extremely tight on your DEC budget, you can give this card a miss (10.85 DEC). It is not the most important card of the game, but it does give you an edge in any league.

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Now, we're on to the Summoners!

1: Mylor Crowling

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Mylor Crowling is insane because of its Summoner's ability: Thorns. In short, all your monsters will be able to reflect melee damage to the attacker. Think of those sneak monsters that have 1 hp and have a melee attack. The moment they attack your monster, it instantly dies. Pretty cool, isn't it?

I think many people caught wind of the power of this card, jacking the rental price up. This just shows how good Mylor Crowling is.

Although Mylor Crowling is pretty expensive (40 DEC), I would say that it's worth the investment. When I first started the game, this card got me out of Bronze League really easily, because people at lower levels don't really know how to work around the 'Thorns' ability. That being said, if you see someone using this Summoner, simply avoid using monsters with melee attacks.

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2: Lorna Shine

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Lorna Shine is less popular than Mylor Crawling, but it is equally as powerful because of its free Divine Shield ability (negates an instance of damage). At lower leagues, Divine Shield is like a second life because there is not much counter (Blast, Redemption etc) which makes your monsters all the more powerful.

I highly recommend this card because the rental is still cheap for now. If you think Mylor is too expensive for you, consider this alternative (0.44 DEC), or just get both Summoners (You won't regret it!)

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Alright, I have come to the end of my article. Leave a like and comment if this guide has benefitted you! I'll be going more in-depth into each element in the future, so make sure to follow me for more content!



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