Any love for a new Splinterlander?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Image credit: Coinquora

Hey guys! I'm about to begin my journey on Splinterlands. I'm relatively new to Hive and I didn't get to learn so much before diving in. I want to have a better and easier experience on Splinterlands and I need your help.

I'm choosing it because it seems like a raving game and I used to love this category of gaming experience when I was younger. I want to get into something new and I think this is the right fit for me right now.

I'd love to know every basic thing that I should before starting out and also if you can point me to your best content guiding newbies into the game, I'd greatly appreciate it. Oh and @Belemo I am going to disturb you a lot. Thanks in advance.

I look forward to sharing my first week's experience with the game.


Welcome , and I see , you already know belemo to guide you, but do join splinterlands discord. (from r1s2g3)
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