Hi everyone, today I'm gonna complete my Water Quest and my goal is to reach Gold II. Here is my current status:
My actual power was 20 only and then I'm renting cards with 775 DEC to reach minimum power in Gold III. I hope I can get 775 DEC back after I reached Gold II, meanwhile I'm grinding DEC so that I will have enough DEC to rent one more legendary card to reach Gold II. Here are the cards rented to me:
My battle using Water Splinter:
I completed my daily quest in 15 minutes but I'll try to claim it when I reached Gold II:
Lets keep going for now and see how long I can get to level Gold II. I still need 250 rating and 50,000 more power.
Yeay finally my rating is 2,206 fiuhhh it took 1.5 hour to get there:
I'm renting 3 more cards with 50,000 power to reach Gold II so total I spent 1,030 DEC:
Andddddd tadaaaaaa my reward:
I will rest for now but will play again to get maximum DEC one or two hours before my renting card is over.
See you next time!