My Today's Journey on Splinterlands - Daily Quest with Water Splinter to Reach Gold Leagues.

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi everyone, today I'm gonna complete my Water Quest and my goal is to reach Gold II. Here is my current status:

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My actual power was 20 only and then I'm renting cards with 775 DEC to reach minimum power in Gold III. I hope I can get 775 DEC back after I reached Gold II, meanwhile I'm grinding DEC so that I will have enough DEC to rent one more legendary card to reach Gold II. Here are the cards rented to me:

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My battle using Water Splinter:

I completed my daily quest in 15 minutes but I'll try to claim it when I reached Gold II:

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Lets keep going for now and see how long I can get to level Gold II. I still need 250 rating and 50,000 more power.

Yeay finally my rating is 2,206 fiuhhh it took 1.5 hour to get there:

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I'm renting 3 more cards with 50,000 power to reach Gold II so total I spent 1,030 DEC:

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Andddddd tadaaaaaa my reward:

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I will rest for now but will play again to get maximum DEC one or two hours before my renting card is over.

See you next time!
