Splinterlands Meta Report: 2023-12-05 ~ 2024-01-04 (Bronze League)

in Splinterlandslast year


Splinterlands is an online collectible card game based on monster combat. To be successful in the game, it is important to know the cards that are most useful in the current meta, taking into account the league you are in. This is especially important for new players, who are still learning the game rules and how to build effective decks.

In this post, I will present the data I have collected from the Bronze League. This is the league that a new player will generally be aiming for, and in which they would be considering obtaining some cards from the market, either by buying or renting.

The statistics I present were collected over a 30-day period, and are based on the win rate, of the cards available on the market that can be used in the ranked mode. It is also important to take into account the popularity or usage percentage of the cards when making a decision.

Splinterlands es un juego de cartas coleccionables en línea que se basa en el combate de monstruos. Para tener éxito en el juego, es importante conocer las cartas que son más útiles en el meta actual, teniendo en cuenta la liga en la que nos encontremos. Esto es especialmente importante para los jugadores novatos, que aún están aprendiendo las reglas del juego y cómo construir mazos efectivos.

En este post, voy a presentar los datos que he recopilado de la liga bronce. Esta es la liga a la que un jugador novato generalmente estará apuntando, y en la que estaría considerando obtener algunas cartas del market, ya sea comprando o rentando.
Las estadísticas que presento fueron recopiladas en un periodo de 30 días, y se basan en el winrate, o tasa de victorias, de las cartas disponibles en el market que pueden ser usadas en el modo ranked. También es importante tomar en cuenta la popularidad o el porcentaje de uso de las cartas a la hora de tomar una decisión.

Start Time: 2023-12-05 00:00:00 UTC
End Time: 2024-01-04 00:00:00 UTC
Match Type: Ranked
Battle Format: Modern
Card Levels: All levels, no filters applied
72,247 battles analyzed from Bronze league



name rarity cardset wins loses winrate usage
Waka Spiritblade 4 chaos 222 132 62.71 0.24
Astral Entity 4 chaos 1453 943 60.64 1.66
Quix the Devious 4 chaos 4641 3494 57.05 5.63
Ilthain 3 chaos 2266 1706 57.05 2.75
Zeddica 1 rebellion 661 560 54.14 0.85
Prunda Undervesch 1 rebellion 567 491 53.59 0.73
Lux Vega 4 chaos 63 57 52.50 0.08
Obsidian 2 chaos 9854 8983 52.31 13.04
Dallan 3 chaos 191 175 52.19 0.25
Possibilus the Wise 4 chaos 3036 2788 52.13 4.03
Immortalis 4 chaos 2346 2183 51.80 3.13
Sthispa 3 chaos 555 527 51.29 0.75
Thaddius Brood 2 chaos 8981 8648 50.94 12.20
Fernheart 3 chaos 242 234 50.84 0.33
Helios Matriarch 2 chaos 2731 2647 50.78 3.72
Prophet Rosa 2 rebellion 987 967 50.51 1.35
Lobb Lowland 2 chaos 6430 6351 50.31 8.85
Tarsa 2 chaos 6074 6269 49.21 8.54
Lily Shieldpaw 4 chaos 785 812 49.15 1.11
Avina of the Wolf 2 rebellion 1703 1838 48.09 2.45
Kelya Frendul 2 chaos 8299 9227 47.35 12.13
Pembrook Nymph 2 chaos 1283 1436 47.19 1.88
Akane 4 rebellion 446 540 45.23 0.68
Eternan Brune 2 chaos 1047 1308 44.46 1.63
Franz Ruffmane 2 chaos 2607 3351 43.76 4.12
Skargore 3 chaos 82 109 42.93 0.13
General Sloan 2 chaos 1777 2466 41.88 2.94
Grandmaster Rathe 4 chaos 358 515 41.01 0.60
Dolfar Darflak 1 rebellion 182 265 40.72 0.31
Chuul Jujinchi 1 rebellion 115 182 38.72 0.21
Aquatus 3 chaos 31 50 38.27 0.06
Conqueror Jacek 4 chaos 240 433 35.66 0.47
Brewmaster Abraxas 1 rebellion 161 294 35.38 0.31
Underboss Fabino 2 rebellion 380 721 34.51 0.76
Reklah 2 rebellion 77 166 31.69 0.17
Nomos 2 rebellion 37 122 23.27 0.11
Octavia Shadowmeld 2 chaos 77 276 21.81 0.24



name rarity cardset wins loses winrate usage
Ancient Redwood 4 chaos 188 78 70.68 0.18
Daarg Deadblast 4 rebellion 2991 1607 65.05 3.18
Runemancer Florre 4 chaos 475 260 64.63 0.51
Oshuur Constantia 4 chaos 609 359 62.91 0.67
Endura Brune 4 rebellion 5 3 62.50 0.01
Agor Longtail 4 chaos 2891 1741 62.41 3.21
Kulu Mastermind 4 chaos 2120 1278 62.39 2.35
Bera Dallin 4 rebellion 1487 903 62.22 1.65
Zyriel 4 chaos 7865 4827 61.97 8.78
Kra'ar Xoc 3 chaos 1543 966 61.50 1.74
Chaos Dragon 4 chaos 444 287 60.74 0.51
Anasth Soothsayer 2 rebellion 986 661 59.87 1.14
Ahna-Chei Botanist 1 rebellion 1534 1035 59.71 1.78
Skok Duskblight 4 chaos 654 443 59.62 0.76
Will-o-Wisp 3 chaos 667 462 59.08 0.78
Aves Sturgis 4 chaos 824 577 58.82 0.97
Noa the Just 3 chaos 2942 2113 58.20 3.50
Lord Thanalor 4 rebellion 137 99 58.05 0.16
Baakjira 4 chaos 3052 2222 57.87 3.65
Chaos Golem 4 rebellion 26 19 57.78 0.03
Riftwing 1 chaos 3187 2337 57.69 3.82
Chaos Animator 1 rebellion 1813 1334 57.61 2.18
Ava the Undaunted 4 chaos 515 381 57.48 0.62
Weirding Warrior 3 chaos 2804 2078 57.44 3.38
Berix Snakeye 4 chaos 258 197 56.70 0.31
Lurking Puffer 1 rebellion 5731 4392 56.61 7.01
Immolation 4 chaos 185 142 56.57 0.23
Carnage Titan 4 chaos 452 348 56.50 0.55
Albahoo Forester 1 rebellion 764 601 55.97 0.94
Queen Mycelia 4 chaos 8044 6420 55.61 10.01
Mantaroth 4 rebellion 745 595 55.60 0.93
Hill Giant 1 chaos 3809 3047 55.56 4.74
Pelacor Deceiver 1 chaos 503 404 55.46 0.63
Kain Hace 4 chaos 148 119 55.43 0.18
Runeseer Sevaya 4 rebellion 266 214 55.42 0.33
Uloth Dhampir 2 chaos 180 146 55.21 0.23
Drybone Raider 4 chaos 360 293 55.13 0.45
Skyspire Yak 1 rebellion 22 18 55.00 0.03
Clockwork Aide 3 chaos 2064 1690 54.98 2.60
Inevitable 4 chaos 277 228 54.85 0.35
Corpse Fiend 4 chaos 6383 5285 54.71 8.08
Scavo Hireling 1 chaos 7853 6543 54.55 9.96
Redwyrm Hatchling 3 rebellion 6 5 54.55 0.01
Soul Strangler 2 chaos 2091 1751 54.42 2.66
Daigendark Surveyor 1 rebellion 1725 1449 54.35 2.20
Gobalano Soldier 1 rebellion 4489 3774 54.33 5.72
Void Dragon 4 chaos 1286 1094 54.03 1.65
Chaos Agent 1 chaos 12672 10801 53.99 16.24
River Hellondale 4 chaos 1026 877 53.91 1.32
Vampire Bat 1 chaos 66 57 53.66 0.09
Thane Newsong 3 chaos 1943 1701 53.32 2.52
Merdaali Guardian 2 chaos 8123 7177 53.09 10.59
Wave Brood 3 chaos 850 752 53.06 1.11
Commander Goff 4 rebellion 35 31 53.03 0.05
Moxian Rebel 2 rebellion 6942 6152 53.02 9.06
Vulguine 2 chaos 340 303 52.88 0.45
Runic Skyclaw 2 chaos 80 72 52.63 0.11
Igor Darkspear 3 chaos 2819 2541 52.59 3.71
Cursed Windeku 2 chaos 7677 6923 52.58 10.10
Terraceous Grunt 1 chaos 1147 1038 52.49 1.51
Karst Harpy 3 rebellion 98 89 52.41 0.13
Iziar 4 chaos 923 844 52.24 1.22
Scorch Fiend 4 chaos 4669 4288 52.13 6.20
Flame Mephit 2 rebellion 463 426 52.08 0.62
Pelacor Conjurer 1 chaos 4197 3877 51.98 5.59
Lichen Beast 1 chaos 120 111 51.95 0.16
Sultry Barmaid 1 rebellion 588 546 51.85 0.78
Ravenhood Warden 2 chaos 3765 3503 51.80 5.03
Carrion Shade 1 chaos 1795 1672 51.77 2.40
Redwyrm Dragon 3 rebellion 59 55 51.75 0.08
Pelacor Mercenary 1 chaos 561 523 51.75 0.75
Fungus Flinger 1 chaos 5164 4814 51.75 6.91
Blood Maker 1 chaos 154 144 51.68 0.21
Raa 4 chaos 81 76 51.59 0.11
Harbinger of Chaos 3 rebellion 99 93 51.56 0.13
Djinn Inferni 3 chaos 238 224 51.52 0.32
Satha Toledo 3 rebellion 650 614 51.42 0.87
Great Porcupine 3 rebellion 127 120 51.42 0.17
Tusk the Wide 3 chaos 2468 2334 51.40 3.32
Vruz 1 chaos 466 442 51.32 0.63
Blackmoor Nymph 2 rebellion 1339 1271 51.30 1.81
Doctor Blight 4 chaos 6275 5972 51.24 8.48
Mycelic Slipspawn 2 chaos 3694 3516 51.23 4.99
Naga Assassin 2 chaos 710 682 51.01 0.96
Venari Heatsmith 1 chaos 562 540 51.00 0.76
Avarisdeus 3 rebellion 26 25 50.98 0.04
Fungus Fiend 4 chaos 8463 8179 50.85 11.52
Ever-Hungry Skull 1 chaos 123 119 50.83 0.17
Iidri Fyre 3 chaos 580 562 50.79 0.79
Barashkukor 4 rebellion 112 109 50.68 0.15
Nimbledook Scout 1 rebellion 1089 1060 50.67 1.49
Dhampir Infiltrator 2 chaos 482 471 50.58 0.66
Venari Marksrat 2 chaos 12829 12555 50.54 17.57
Spirit Hoarder 4 chaos 5234 5136 50.47 7.18
Anachron Bolter 2 rebellion 333 327 50.45 0.46
Whelp Herder 1 chaos 632 622 50.40 0.87
Acid Shooter 3 chaos 1721 1699 50.32 2.37
Torrent Fiend 4 chaos 7706 7611 50.31 10.60
Meriput Magician 1 rebellion 1587 1569 50.29 2.18
Mycelic Morphoid 1 chaos 4690 4653 50.20 6.47
Dax Paragon 3 chaos 838 836 50.06 1.16
Fenmoor Haunt 1 rebellion 2005 2025 49.75 2.79
Arachne Thug 1 chaos 979 989 49.75 1.36
Captain Fellblade 3 rebellion 282 286 49.65 0.39
Djinn Chwala 3 chaos 1988 2018 49.63 2.77
Ujurak Mystic 1 rebellion 898 912 49.61 1.25
Torch Vizier 2 rebellion 1548 1577 49.54 2.16
Soul Fiend 4 chaos 4495 4580 49.53 6.28
Harklaw 4 chaos 753 768 49.51 1.05
Grund 3 chaos 2041 2087 49.44 2.86
Zebajin 4 rebellion 105 108 49.30 0.15
Goblin Psychic 1 chaos 8997 9276 49.24 12.65
Ifrit Rising 4 chaos 28 29 49.12 0.04
Pallus 3 rebellion 298 309 49.09 0.42
Blackmoor Trickster 1 rebellion 80 83 49.08 0.11
Runemancer Kye 4 chaos 292 304 48.99 0.41
Nerissa Tridawn 3 chaos 744 776 48.95 1.05
Venari Crystalsmith 2 chaos 4556 4774 48.83 6.46
Radiated Scorcher 1 chaos 1839 1928 48.82 2.61
Chaos Rear Guard 1 rebellion 143 151 48.64 0.20
Kulu Swimhunter 1 chaos 1109 1173 48.60 1.58
Djinn Biljka 4 chaos 1655 1753 48.56 2.36
Regal Peryton 2 chaos 3424 3679 48.20 4.92
Hardy Stonefish 1 chaos 2773 2991 48.11 3.99
Executioner Kraan 3 rebellion 61 66 48.03 0.09
Dumacke Exile 1 chaos 839 913 47.89 1.21
Uriel the Purifier 4 chaos 177 194 47.71 0.26
Sorriel the Bale 4 chaos 81 89 47.65 0.12
Mar Toren Seeker 1 rebellion 577 635 47.61 0.84
Venator Kinjo 4 chaos 919 1015 47.52 1.34
Water Caller 2 chaos 122 135 47.47 0.18
Temporal Master 3 chaos 103 114 47.47 0.15
Evelyn Auvera 3 chaos 232 257 47.44 0.34
Djinn Oshannus 4 chaos 5709 6343 47.37 8.34
Magi of Chaos 3 chaos 1509 1677 47.36 2.20
Uraeus 3 chaos 11934 13309 47.28 17.47
Iza the Fanged 4 chaos 160 179 47.20 0.23
Insidious Warlock 3 chaos 84 94 47.19 0.12
Tenyii Striker 2 chaos 3790 4242 47.19 5.56
Exploding Rats 2 chaos 192 215 47.17 0.28
Coeurl Lurker 4 chaos 272 306 47.06 0.40
Riverboat Captain 2 chaos 1174 1322 47.04 1.73
Cruel Sethropod 1 chaos 1770 1996 47.00 2.61
Tinderlock 2 chaos 358 405 46.92 0.53
Adelade Brightwing 4 chaos 848 962 46.85 1.25
Revealer 3 chaos 1203 1371 46.74 1.78
Xenith Monk 2 chaos 2589 2953 46.72 3.84
New Sskah Drudge 1 rebellion 138 158 46.62 0.20
Dalthin Ironhood 3 rebellion 75 86 46.58 0.11
Arkemis the Bear 1 chaos 274 315 46.52 0.41
Dhampir Stalker 2 chaos 583 671 46.49 0.87
Queen of Crows 2 chaos 108 125 46.35 0.16
Celestial Harpy 2 chaos 1445 1673 46.34 2.16
Life Sapper 2 chaos 1286 1491 46.31 1.92
Coastal Sentry 1 chaos 2060 2393 46.26 3.08
Deeplurker 1 chaos 4160 4834 46.25 6.22
Gargoya Scrapper 1 chaos 1460 1703 46.16 2.19
Blinding Reflector 1 chaos 651 763 46.04 0.98
Firecaller 1 chaos 619 726 46.02 0.93
Rush Townsend 4 rebellion 50 59 45.87 0.08
Venari Seedsmith 2 chaos 161 190 45.87 0.24
Vampiric Blossom 2 chaos 132 156 45.83 0.20
Antoid Platoon 1 chaos 1405 1664 45.78 2.12
Disintegrator 1 chaos 874 1035 45.78 1.32
Venari Spellsmith 2 chaos 1169 1385 45.77 1.77
Tide Biter 3 chaos 2118 2512 45.75 3.20
Swamp Spitter 1 chaos 1766 2099 45.69 2.67
Night Ghoul 1 chaos 105 125 45.65 0.16
Venari Wavesmith 2 chaos 1034 1235 45.57 1.57
Silent Sha-vi 1 chaos 2573 3074 45.56 3.91
Forgotten One 3 chaos 282 337 45.56 0.43
Ferox Defender 1 chaos 640 772 45.33 0.98
Mycelic Infantry 2 chaos 661 806 45.06 1.02
Thanalorian Scion 3 rebellion 123 150 45.05 0.19
Musa Saline 4 chaos 215 263 44.98 0.33
Runemancer Atuat 4 chaos 57 70 44.88 0.09
Venari Bonesmith 2 chaos 942 1167 44.67 1.46
Grimbardun Smith 2 rebellion 348 437 44.33 0.54
Chaos Lackey 1 rebellion 54 68 44.26 0.08
Lava Spider 1 chaos 331 417 44.25 0.52
Chaos Knight 1 chaos 421 531 44.22 0.66
Sea Stalker 2 chaos 107 135 44.21 0.17
Angelic Mandarin 2 chaos 327 414 44.13 0.51
Runeslinger 2 chaos 111 141 44.05 0.17
Lira the Dark 4 chaos 211 268 44.05 0.33
Usut 4 chaos 474 603 44.01 0.75
Ash Mirage 1 chaos 188 240 43.93 0.30
Lioceros 2 rebellion 275 352 43.86 0.43
Cabalist 2 chaos 82 105 43.85 0.13
Djinn Muirat 4 chaos 376 483 43.77 0.59
Xenith Archer 2 chaos 2718 3506 43.67 4.31
Demise Archon Faust 4 rebellion 96 124 43.64 0.15
Wailing Wraith 2 rebellion 196 254 43.56 0.31
Wily Coyotian 1 chaos 439 569 43.55 0.70
Crypt Beetle 1 chaos 205 267 43.43 0.33
Terraceous Hulk 4 chaos 118 154 43.38 0.19
Corsair Bosun 2 chaos 371 485 43.34 0.59
Swell Spore Beast 2 rebellion 42 55 43.30 0.07
Twilight Basilisk 2 chaos 187 245 43.29 0.30
Stitch Leech 1 chaos 1630 2146 43.17 2.61
Gobson Sniper 2 rebellion 116 154 42.96 0.19
Runi 4 chaos 15 20 42.86 0.02
Venari Knifer 1 chaos 648 867 42.77 1.05
Shadow Snitch 1 chaos 87 117 42.65 0.14
Scavo Firebolt 2 chaos 317 429 42.49 0.52
Magi Necrosi 3 chaos 437 592 42.47 0.71
Ferexian Hero 4 chaos 260 355 42.28 0.43
Bramble Pixie 1 chaos 241 331 42.13 0.40
Time Mage 2 chaos 817 1127 42.03 1.35
River Nymph 2 chaos 276 381 42.01 0.45
Rune Crafter 1 chaos 34 47 41.98 0.06
Scavo Chemist 1 chaos 361 502 41.83 0.60
Djinn Renova 3 chaos 448 624 41.79 0.74
Drybone Barbarian 1 chaos 1280 1786 41.75 2.12
Hunter Jarx 3 chaos 245 342 41.74 0.41
Prismologist 3 chaos 212 297 41.65 0.35
Time Meddler 1 chaos 134 188 41.61 0.22
Endless Ape 1 rebellion 216 304 41.54 0.36
Chaos Jailer 2 rebellion 110 155 41.51 0.18
Croire 3 rebellion 85 121 41.26 0.14
Suidae Shaman 2 chaos 75 107 41.21 0.13
Mordeus 4 chaos 432 617 41.18 0.73
Portal Spinner 2 chaos 109 156 41.13 0.18
Venari Scout 1 chaos 315 459 40.70 0.54
Silverblade Fighter 2 rebellion 95 139 40.60 0.16
War Pegasus 2 chaos 505 744 40.43 0.86
Merdhampir 1 chaos 134 199 40.24 0.23
Djinn Apprentice 2 chaos 150 223 40.21 0.26
Zyvax Vuul 4 chaos 14 21 40.00 0.02
Lava Launcher 3 chaos 262 393 40.00 0.45
Gargoya Lion 1 chaos 106 159 40.00 0.18
Pelacor Bandit 1 chaos 1263 1908 39.83 2.19
Gargoya Devil 2 chaos 446 674 39.82 0.78
Imperial Knight 1 chaos 756 1151 39.64 1.32
Sea Wreck 4 chaos 66 101 39.52 0.12
Aria Bandit 1 rebellion 242 372 39.41 0.42
Legionnaire Alvar 4 chaos 216 335 39.20 0.38
Scavo Technomancer 2 chaos 219 341 39.11 0.39
Gem Meteor 3 chaos 25 39 39.06 0.04
Daigendark Hunter 2 rebellion 189 297 38.89 0.34
Pelacor Arbalest 2 chaos 660 1045 38.71 1.18
Technowizologist 2 chaos 94 152 38.21 0.17
Helheim Demon 2 rebellion 199 330 37.62 0.37
Grum Flameblade 4 chaos 516 859 37.53 0.95
Countess Sinash 4 chaos 134 224 37.43 0.25
Infernal Firestorm 3 rebellion 36 61 37.11 0.07
Molten Ash Golem 2 chaos 150 256 36.95 0.28
Radiated Brute 1 chaos 575 982 36.93 1.08
Kha'zi Fire Mage 1 rebellion 66 115 36.46 0.13
Diemonshark 2 chaos 1143 2010 36.25 2.18
Goblin Tower 2 chaos 102 181 36.04 0.20
Coastal Nymph 1 chaos 25 46 35.21 0.05
Madcap Magus 2 chaos 392 725 35.09 0.77
Possessed Puppet 1 chaos 20 37 35.09 0.04
Dumacke Orc 1 chaos 107 198 35.08 0.21
Supply Runner 1 chaos 189 351 35.00 0.37
Lemell Refugee 1 chaos 82 153 34.89 0.16
Mad Ogre Anarchist 2 rebellion 418 803 34.23 0.85
Solace Ashinach 4 rebellion 5 10 33.33 0.01
Jared Scar 4 chaos 122 248 32.97 0.26
Grimbardun Fighter 1 rebellion 112 228 32.94 0.24
Pyrewatch Devil 2 chaos 82 169 32.67 0.17
Thanalorian Archer 2 rebellion 65 134 32.66 0.14
Nalara Geinek 4 rebellion 16 33 32.65 0.03
Flying Squid 1 chaos 242 528 31.43 0.53
Septic Slime 1 chaos 19 42 31.15 0.04
Argarux Magus 2 rebellion 43 96 30.94 0.10
Ulundin Overseer 1 rebellion 271 621 30.38 0.62
Junker 1 chaos 40 95 29.63 0.09
Chaos Orc 1 rebellion 44 105 29.53 0.10
Pirate of Eight 2 rebellion 50 123 28.90 0.12
Gobson Bomber 1 chaos 51 126 28.81 0.12
Ulundin Regulator 2 rebellion 28 71 28.28 0.07
Nimbledook Ranger 1 rebellion 59 153 27.83 0.15
Muspelheim Demon 2 rebellion 10 26 27.78 0.02
Sea Dog of Eight 2 rebellion 13 41 24.07 0.04
Sunkai Harvester 1 chaos 22 76 22.45 0.07
Drybone Bowdog 2 rebellion 27 96 21.95 0.09
Desert Dragon 4 chaos 7 30 18.92 0.03
Torch Myrmidon 2 rebellion 9 63 12.50 0.05

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Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27

Interesting data and analysis of Bronze Leage cards that can be useful for beginners choices!