You can read the thread @bitcoinsig ...
A. vinicoi
Talking to Dave on his post, I thought the issue was who was behind the vote, not the vote itself. But apparently, after changing the vote, is everything okay? Is it all resolved? Soon, I realize that the real reason for the vote discussion is the proposal itself and not the person behind the vote. That's regrettable
B. followed by a reply to vini from toran
Yeah.. it's pretty funny how when the Head of the SPS DAO Foundation votes the way he wants, a no, it's a travesty and people want to burn down the world... but now that he's changed his vote to a yes in order to appease others, everything's fine.
C. followed by a reply from you
or the fact that he had voted in many other proposals without a peep from the bots for me but not bots for thee crowd
Now you do have an idea why I was attributing your comment to me. I don't feel guilty in the least bit about what I said to Aly publicly or any comments on this issue, I have and always will be direct with people I am discussing matters with.
So now that you know, maybe you can understand why I said that you should address me directly in the future.
You are correct that I attacked you personally, in response to what seemed to be a reference to me (as shown above). Since my attack on you was that I perceived you you were undermining me specifically, then of course that's why I pointed it out.
If you are now saying that you weren't referencing me as part of the "bots for me but not bots for thee crowd" allegation, then I will accept your statement, and admit of course that I unfairly attacked you.
Once you tell me it wasn't me you were referencing, then I will admit that I was wrong, because I would be. I recognize that I inferred the intent based on the chain of the comments along with other comments in discord I've seen. But I will trust you to be honest with me. So was I included in your comment?
If so, it would mean that I did unfairly attack you personally, it would also make me a dick in the process.
I will accept your word, and I will directly apologize to you for personally attacking you and for me being a dick.
I would sincerely hope you would accept my apology. And I would regret any negativity that my behavior caused you.
You should feel guilty for what you said about Aly. You maligned him personally with misinformation, accusing him of malfeasance publicly. You accused him of being the boss of Aggy and Matt and several other things that turned out not to be accurate. There was even talk yesterday of him using DAO funds on votes and many other miss truths that you and your post directly fostered. I'm sorry but I disagree with what you have done and how you did it.
Your behavior here, lashing out at me, and other people here is inappropriate. You have caused an immense about of strife and negativity on this proposal and it's uncalled for, there is no excuse for it.
I cannot say if you are included in my comment, only you have that answer. If you bot, own many wild cards, and are telling others that they cannot bot in modern, while you get to continue botting in wild, than yes, to me, that is "botting for me, but not botting for thee".
That person is essentially saying, "botting is bad and horrible for the game, but I get to do it and this won't effect me because I was here longer than you", so too bad to all those that came to the game after me and didn't get those cheap old cards. Sorry, but to me that's hypocritical and unfair, people should lead by example.
Btw, I'm not saying I'm against botting, I believe in your ownership rights to do with decentralized assets as you see fit. I am against people telling other people that they can't use those assets as they wish, while they get to do it.