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RE: Proposal for a Collaborative Event between dCrops and Splinterlands DAO

in Splinterlands10 months ago

I voted for this despite a member of the @dcrops community coming into the Splinterlands Mav chat and putting down Splinterlands the game. I hope only @jeffbuilds is the only person from your game that will do such pitiful thing. Otherwise, I will change my vote and want nothing to do with you all.

I would imagine that you are trying to encourage players from Splinterlands to join your game and not steal players from our game. But maybe this is just a ploy to subvert us. I will be watching the response, and hopefully this is just an isolated response from one member that just needs to grow up.



Hello, thanks for pointing it out. We do not endorse nor encourage this kind of behavior from any of our players. Splinterlands has always been an inspiration to us and always will be. We are not trying to hurt the sentiments of the splinterlands player base in any way and I hope the opinion of a single member is not taken as the opinion of the entire community.

Awesome, I appreciate you understanding! I did vote for the proposal and wish you guys a ton of success. I think its a clever tie-in too, good job :)

Never heard of dcrops. Seems like a publicity stunt from them. We don't have anything to gain from it

At the very minimum, the DAO will get potentially thousands of dollars of in game assets from another hive game. For a 1$ investment. And I think it's beneficial to spl the game to try fun stuff with other hive games but that's a harder outcome to predict. I'm also not 100% convinced this is a great idea for the dcrops community. A year from now the DAO could decide they want nothing to do with it and don't care to hold any assets from dcrops and dump it on the market. So there's definitely risk involved from the dcrops side while the spl DAO receives free money.

I would vote that we hold the assets til either dcrops succeeds or fails. The spirit of this is to work together, and since dcrops has the risk by giving away the assets, then the least the SPL DAO should do is give them plenty of runway to succeed.

I agree this is a "publicity stunt" to get more visibility, but at the same time dcrops is taking the monetary risk too.

As long as both sets of players think in terms of being allies, instead of enemies, then I think these things are great.

I assume the DAO would have to have a vote in order to do something anyways. But yes I'd agree that any marketing is a publicity stunt. It's essentially the same. This seems like a unique approach though and I can't see a downside for the DAO or even spl the game.

I've actually been playing dCrops for quite a while, now. I'm not sure if I showed up on day one or not, but since alpha. I like it, and find it relaxing. I've enjoyed watching it grow, and look forward to seeing what it becomes. I'm pretty sure @plummuble and @heroldius from K.O.G. play, too. I've wondered what a collaboration between the SPL and dCrops would look like, and I agree with what @seeyouinlumb said about the risk vs. reward aspect. I think a $1 investment to promote the purchase of DEC to burn seems sound. Additionally, it gives DEC, at least a temporary function outside the SPL ecosystem. I've seen this in dCity, too, and I like the idea of all the Hive games giving each other a tiny room in one another's house if everyone benefits and no one suffers. We all talk a lot about community here, so let's mingle... is what I say.

 10 months ago (edited) 

thanks for that review. Now I have a bit of perspective as opposed to hype

Any time!
I'd encourage you to take a look at it and hang out in the discord a little to get a feel for it. It's not an exciting game to play like SPL, with adrenaline fueled instant outcomes to love or hate, although hints of those elements are sprinkled in, but it is a fun farm management simulation.

I like checking in a few times a day for a few minutes to harvest a crop or cook a meal to sell off to climb the leaderboard, or cash out, although as with SPL, I usually just use winnings to strengthen my deck to do better next season. It's just a nice short reprieve.

It is a nice, slow and well made game. I play both and I think it's a great idea. But maybe instead burning the DEC and @dcrops sending you some beta boosters, we (as I'm a member of the @splinterlands DAO also) could swap the proportional Chaos Legion packs and both games keep a vested interest in the other game for at least 12 months with cliff or something. Dunno, just saying.

I came across dCrops about the same time as I came across Splinterlands. I'm surprised it has not hit your radar.

I don't think we have much to lose here. What downside do you see ?

I see the potential to burn 25 Million DEC for the cost to the DAO of $1, in addition to the DAO potentyailly recieving 1,000 d Crops packs

if it is a publicity stunt... so what? they are a game on the same blockchain, and are doing the heavy lifting of making this collab start. if its a hollow publicity stunt, it will have near 0 damage to the average splinterlands player.

...but if there is meat on them bones, it could be the start of something that benefits all players of both games.


I don't think Saying one game is greater than the other is slamming. Dcrops is actually really fun and well designed. Splinterlands is also fun but the cost to be fun is thousands of dollars more. I may be frustrated with the way splinterlands leadership runs things and I am vocal about it especially when they do things that put them at legal risk in my opinion. But that doesn't mean I don't want them to succeed. In many ways the success of hive as a platform is tied to these games and both dcrops and splinterlands have much to offer each other. No hate only tough love. 💪

I'm also understanding that some people might think I'm a troll or whatever but I really just want to drive positive change in my own way.

You can believe me or not that's your choice. I'll continue to be me.

If you want to drive positive change, in the future I would suggest that you point out the positives. There is nothing wrong with you being excited about your game. My problem was you coming into the SPL discord and contrasting your game favorably. That's not a good way to win converts imo.

But you can do it however you want, just don't be surprised if fans of SPL will be turned off with such a negative message. I also think it spoils the message that @dcrops was trying to market with this outreach.

Its just a suggestion though, you can do whatever you like and be "you" however you feel is best.

I believe driving change involves calling out the elephants in the room.
My intention was to start a discussion.
Maybe I lack tact. Dcrops is great but lacks reach. Splinterlands is great but lacks retention. I like both. I'd post about the merits of splinterlands in the dcrops discord but its clear to me they know the merits of splinterlands by this proposal. It's not my game. I'm just a player. I'll be after one of the trees. If splinterlands made a dcrops related thing I'd be after that too. I stand by what I said and fwiw I am sorry I upset you. My offer from discord stands if you change your mind about trying dcrops.

Let me test if you are a troll or not :)

@azircon That's one way to do it. I'll build it back up.