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RE: An SPS "Pre-Pre-Proposal": Implement a "Botting License" to measure and manage proliferation of botted accounts

in Splinterlands10 months ago

Hey OAA, I like part of it - the registration aspect. I think the cost is too high and you are way overestimating the earnings, so I think that should be majorly reduced.

I also think there are 2 things that will do a lot towards the objectives you seek coming up:

  1. the elimination of starter cards in Wild and
  2. the CP requirements put out by 2 different players...

I would like to see that impact before we focus on this aspect. I do think a registration process is good, but when it comes to pricing there is way too much uncertainty right now and I believe it makes sense to put a price tag on it when we have seen the impact from these 2 things.

ps... personally I think a lot of bot farmers are going to quit, I don't think they will be able to survive with the lack of use of free starter cards combined with the requirement that they have both SPS and CARDS too.


thanks Dave for your input - much appreciated!
The cost is the easiest thing to negotiate on! So yeah, I picked a nice round number but it could well be lower if that's better for our community.
I agree the earnings are overstated - I was trying to show that if this change somehow doesn't eliminate any bots, that would be the impact on the tokenomics... but I can understand that looks unrealistic since something like this would definitely take out SOME bots...

But sure, I agree there's lots of change afoot, and taking a wait and see approach is certainly prudent.