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RE: Pre 1st year Anniversary!

in Splinterlands12 days ago

Nice investments to splinterlands in there. i see a guy being sentimental player and i guess somewhat "loyal" in splinterlands in your blog post sir. But how about the side of the guys that you are somewhat you wanna call leecher in? I cannot see a #play2earn spirit in this post if you keep injecting things to where it come from. Just my opinion. not intending to you know..


~~~ embed:1880297532263129238 Credit to @bulldog1205. Do you read the part of 10$ investment? He will now earn from the game with his strategy. That's how I see #playtoearn spirit. twitter metadata:YnVsbGRvZzEyMDV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vYnVsbGRvZzEyMDUvc3RhdHVzLzE4ODAyOTc1MzIyNjMxMjkyMzggQ3JlZGl0IHRvIEBidWxsZG9nMTIwNS4gRG8geW91IHJlYWQgdGhlIHBhcnQgb2YgMTAkIGludmVzdG1lbnR8 ~~~

I dont know why your sending me the link sir but i'm good. Thank you anyways.

IDK what happened to my reply but I tag @bulldog1205 to his X post. This is the #playtoearn spirit and with his strategy he will earn more the what he invested in.

Ow, i am not intending to be educated or get you educated on how to define the play2earn things. We have our own comprehension in that i presume?. But what i am pointing out is that when somebody in hive withdraw their things, we cannot just call them like leech for not knowing their reason and just reading graphs... I think leech is no place on hive where bees roam's freely..🐝

I'm not against withdrawal I don't see any withdrawal statement in my post. I agree with the 2 post that I mentioned and that's about it. People can do whatever they want in the ecosystem 😉. Anyways have a blessed day!