How many battles before ECR (almost) runs out?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

How many battles before ECR (almost) runs out?.png

If sometime you wanted to go on a playing spree or maybe just wondered how many battles can you play before energy capture rate (ECR) runs out (almost), here is the answer (in time)!


Impact of starting ECR on the number of battles played is interestingly enlightening:

  • If you have 100% ECR, it takes 30 battles to drain 100 ECR to 75 ECR.

  • If you have 75% ECR, it takes 40 battles to drain 75 ECR to 50 ECR.

  • If you have 50% ECR, it takes 70 battles to drain 50 ECR to 25 ECR.

  • If you have 25% ECR, it takes 320 battles to drain 25 ECR to ~1 ECR.

Below is the visual representation:



  • It takes roughly 460 battles to drain 100 ECR to 0.99 ECR.

FUN FACT: If you played 10 games an hour, you’d have to play for 46 hrs or ~2 days continuously to drain ECR to 0.9.

Below is the visual representation:

This means that you would not be receiving (almost) any DEC after playing 460 games in a row.

Some interesting conclusions:

  • You can play more games with low ECR than you can play with high ECR.
  • For comfortable max gains, 30 games are advisable per day.
  • For significant gains, you should not play more than 100 battles in a row.

Numbers have been rounded for clarity.
ECR cannot reach zero (i.e ECR=0 cannot be reached due to 1% of CURRENT ECR drained per battle).



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