I think I have taken quite amount of author rewards to buy SPL cards and other HIVE games, includidng that "SCAM" psyberx which costed me more than $300... But hey., My KE is 0,92, still below 1. I thought it would be 2 or 3..
so with that condition I can relate seeing people who have KE between 2-5 but for people who have KE 10+? Maybe they are in some sort of trouble so they power down, however I see most of the case aren't like that, They transfer our regularly. I guess this is the different between people who write either for fun or to get support vs people who are milking out.
Let's hope more splinterlands writers embrace this not as a rule, but more as a form of etiquette. But of course... can't be too naive here, we are dealing with humans.
KE = 3 cut off is very generous and these are not my words :) You seem to agree with that looks like
Yes, I find it hard to disagree if there are solid arguments and data