The Ruleset

- Rulesets - Might Makes Right & Earthquake
- Mana Cap - 38
- Active Elements -
Here's my starting lineup
Summoner: Helios Matriarch

- With the ruleset and element pick that I got I was kinda strugeling at first as my main Flying team was in death and it was not active for this battle
- But after a little klicking around I found a great team in Dragon element and the only high level summoner I had was Helios Matriarch so I went with him
- As I picked Dragon summoner I needed to pick another element and for that I picked earth as I had great high level tank there
1st Position: Pelacor Mercenary

- Pelacor Mercenary was one of my main tanks for this battle
- Main reason I like Pelacor Mercenary here a lot is his Flying and Heal abilities
- Flying - +25% chance to evade physical attacks. No effect if the attacker also has Flying. Immune to Earthquake
- Heal - Each round, restores 1/3 of max health (rounded down)
2nd Position: Chaos Dragon

- Chaos Dragon was my second monster for this team and that because of his Flying
- Sadly I only had him in level 1 so he did not have the Blast ability yet
- Flying - +25% chance to evade physical attacks. No effect if the attacker also has Flying. Immune to Earthquake
- Scattershot - Magic and ranged attacks target a random enemy unit
3rd Position: Night Reaper

- For last but not least is this new rebellion reward monster
- I think I have not played him yet but when I say him and his abilities he was an sure pick for me
- Flying - +25% chance to evade physical attacks. No effect if the attacker also has Flying. Immune to Earthquake
- Wingbreak - Always targets the first Flying enemy unit regardless of position, abilities, or modifiers. +2 damage if the target has Flying
Starting board

- Already after seeing the starting board I was confident I would win because my enemy played only one monster with Flying and the rest of his team was not that great as well
- My Wingbreak was going to take care of his only Flying monster and the rest should fall Earthquake and the rest of my teams damage
- But my predictions could still be off by a mile so lets start the battle and have a look
Here's how the battle went
1st Round

- In the first round nothing really happened
- the next round was going to be quite great for me as I was going to take down is Flying monster and after that lay my focus on his tank with Heal
- But anything could still happen so lets keep watching
2nd Round

- After 2nd Round the board was already starting to look great for me
- I managed to take down his Flying monster and start hurting his tank enough that he also should fall in the next round
- Lets hope for the best and keep watching
3rd Round

- 3rd Round was really huge for me as I took down his tank and damaged his Captain Katie enough that she also will be taken down in the start of the next round
- As Earthquake was active and my enemy has 0 Flying monsters left both of his monsters should fall to the damage dealt by the ruleset in the start of the next round
- So I just needed to wait for the start of the next round and then face my victory
4th Round

- It took me exactly 0 attacks to kill my enemies last standing monsters as Earthquake took them both out first
- After his Captain Katie and Halfling Refugee had fallen I took the victory
- Battle Replay Link
- This battle was definitely heavily one sided but still fun to watch
- The strategy to take away from this battle is that you really should play Wingbreak in Earthquake battles as you gain really huge damage advantage over your enemy
- If you also would like to hop on the Splinterlands train feel free to use my Referral
Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. And till the next challenge, KEEP BATTLING!
Great battle it seems!
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar