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RE: Splinterlands! The Demon Opens Up Rewards & My Live Stream Giveaways Coming Up!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hahaha, you opening chests or packs is the best thing ever I was laughing so hard at that second legendary pull shakey shakey shakey 🤣🤣 Congrats on the great pulls that was amazing. I love the SPS slashers reaction too he was like what why are you so lucky LOL, from these rewards and that gold foil Mimosa pull that's been a hype month of pulls. Can't wait till we get those chaos legion pack openings those are gonna be so fun.

I can't wait this is gonna be an epic week those are some insane prizes. That physical LOD will be cherished forever honestly such an amazing prize 😍


YES!! I love it when it shakes, hahahaha!!! Ty is getting your t-shirt ready sometime and as soon as he makes it, he will send out the card with it! You are a great streamer! I am very happy you are streaming Splinterlands, you will go far, keep up all your great work!