Hello my friends. I hope you are fine.
I am happy that I survived the earthquake that occurred in Syria and Turkey, but I am sad for the victims and the injured people. I wish peace for their souls and recovery for the injured.
SPLINTERLANDS is ready for a new SHARE YOUR BATTLE challenge. Another Epic Monster to talk about. It is the first time I use DAX PARAGON, let's see what it can do. You can get to know this game SPLINTERLANDS and its monsters from this link:
An EPIC LIFE monster.
Its stat in Level 1:
Health: 3. Armor: No Armor. Speed: 2. Attack: 1 Magic attack.
Ability: None.
It also getting stronger in the higher levels, in Level 2 it gets the Amplify ability, and the Affliction ability in Level 5, look at the picture:
Battle information:
Mana Cap: 50.
Rules Of Compat:
Fog of War: Monsters lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.
Melee Mayhem: Melee attack monsters can attack from any position.
You can watch the battle from this link if you would:
My squad & strategy:
I chose a dragon summoner to merge DRAGONS with LIFE.
- DJINN CHWALA: I chose this monster to be a tank for its Thorns ability, it will be very useful when we have Melee Mayhem rule.
- SHIELD BEARER: With the Taunt ability, the tank can hold out for a longer time, and the rest of the monsters are also safe.
- ARKEMIS THE BEAR: With the Melee Mayhem rule, this monster can hit the opponent's tank hard. And protects the rest of the monsters with the Protect ability.
- DJINN RENOVA: This monster is very important because of the Strengthen ability that gives the rest of my monsters +1 health, also because of 2 Magic attack.
- DAX PARAGON: It is our special guest, and I think it will be useful thanks to its Magic attack and because it will be protected in this battle.
- TIME MEDDLER: I put it in the last position because it is able to avoid and withstand many attacks thanks to its Dodge ability and 4 Armor. Also, it can affect the battle thanks to 2 Magic attack.
My summoner: I chose DELWYN DRAGONSCALE. I wanted to support Magic attack monsters so that they would become stronger and more effective against opponent's monsters.
Opponent's Squad:
And his summoner is TARSA.
Battle highlights:
FIRE ELEMENTAL hit SHIELDBEARER and made a damage to DJINN CHWALA and ARKEMIS THE BEAR by the Blast ability. TENYII STRIKER and SERPENTINE SPY hit SHIELDBEARER before LIVING LAVA getting eliminated by three hits from my Magic attack monsters. ELVEN DEFENDER became a tank, and it got many damages by DJINN CHWALA, SHIELDBEARER and ARKEMIS THE BEAR. DISINTEGRATOR hot SHIELDBEARER.
FIRE ELEMENTAL repeated its attack on my Melee attack monsters. SHIELDBEARER got eliminated after two hits from TENYII STRIKER and SERPENTINE SPY. DJINN RENOVA, DAX PARAGON and TIME MEDDLER attacked ELVEN DEFENDER and eliminated it. TENYII STRIKER became a tank and recieved two hits from DJINN CHWALA and ARKEMIS THE BEAR. DISINTEGRATOR hit my tank and got hurt by Thorns.
ROUND 3 & 4:
My tank recieved two attacks by FIRE ELEMENTAL and TENYII STRIKER who got hurt by Thorns. Also, SERPENTINE SPY hot eliminated by Thorns after attacking DJINN CHWALA. TENYII STRIKER got eliminated by DJINN RENOVA. DISINTEGRATOR recieved four hits by DAX PARAGON, TIME MEDDLER, DJINN CHWALA and got eliminated by ARKEMIS THE BEAR.
In ROUND 4, DJINN RENOVA finished the battle by eliminating FIRE ELEMENTAL.
What about my strategy?
Obviously, my strategy worked. My lineup was complete because ARKEMIS THE BEAR provided shields for the rest of the monsters, and SHIELDBEARER took hits for them in rounds 1 and 2 and kept my tank safe. Magic attack monsters were also very useful and effective thanks to the support from DELWYN DRAGONSCALE and they were able to eliminate opponent's monsters easily.
My opinion about DAX PARAGON:
This monster can help a lot in some battles, as it did in today's battle, because it doesn't require much mana and because it can damage opponent's tank especially if supported by a summoner like DELWYN DRAGON SCALE. I think I will use this monster more in the next battles.