After playing for 1 month these are my Top 10 Tricks and Tips
None of these Tips or Ticks are in order. Except for this one. BE AWARE OF SCAMMERS! Although Splinterlands and its partenered sites can be trusted, there are still bad people out there wanting to steal your digital assets. Please be cautious of people especially if they start asking for your wallet info.
Don't Buy Packs????? Okay, Im not saying don't buy packs because I'm not. Opening packs can be a lot of fun. But if your looking for the best (ROE) Return on Investment your going to want to buy individual cards. I would only suggest buying packs when you have extra cash and are willing to gamble.
If you do choose to buy packs make sure to use Legendary and Alchemy potions, they increase you chances of getting Legendary and Gold Foil cards!
Always check the Price difference between Gold foil and Regular cards. There have been cases where the gold foil cards are actually cheaper.
A good goal is to get out of bronze league ASAP. The Rewards are trash compared to the silver and above leagues.
Once you get higher in the leagues you will get rewarded DEC or (Dark Energy Crystals). If you hover over your DEC in game you will see your ECR or (Energy Capture Rate). When your Energy Capture Rate reaches 50% it will earn half the DEC it was earning at 100%. So I would only reccomend playing when you ECR is above 50% minimum.
Make good use of Get yourself firmilar with the website. It has so many useful utilities to help your experience. Other useful websites include and
Join the Community! The Splinterlands community is without a doubt the best I have seen! Join the Offical Splinterland Discord to find out for yourself!
For other great tips and tricks please see my friend and I believe communtiy leaders YouTube channel:
Most importanly rememeber to have fun! It's a game not just a hustle!
I hope my Tips and Tricks have helped you out today! Please let me know if I missed any in the comments below! Feel free to use my referral link and start Playing to Earn today!
You learned a lot in one month my friend. Good advice. Will share on Twitter (@PraetoriaDigest).
Good post overall! The one distinction I'd make is between buying and opening packs. I've done the former but not the latter, and am holding closed packs for investment purposes. That said, you're right, that buying singles is better than opening packs, especially if you're targeting a few splinters.
Oh, you guys are right! I totally forgot to mention that. Yes I have been holding packs as well. You should easily be able to flip Choas Legion Packs for profit in due time. Thanks again for the tip!
These are some useful tips! As badrag (the other commentator) said, I agree that singles will build your collection better over opening packs, but holding (unopened) packs should not be overlooked as an investment option. I see that this is your first post on Hive - welcome, and I hope to see more of your writing soon!