Entry into Splinterlands Weekly Curation Challange
So lets start with a random sampling of battles with the Golem as the tank. Next five battle (as long as it is a green battle) having to use him as the tank (Diamond III for reference)...
Battle 1
Seemed easy enough!
Battle 2
Again he seemed to hold up rather nicely.
Battle 3
Stood up in a EQ match as well.
Battle 4
Took an L on this one, Golem still stood up rather well, I feel like I was out matched on this one.
Battle 5
Feel like I could have lost that if their cards weren't LVL 1
-Got him at a good price in my opinion. $5.02 USD isn't bad for a maxed tank.
-11 points of health (armor included). Also has shield so a lot of health is gained there.
-An atk/mana ration of .60 isn't laughable with both shield and stun to boot.
-At only 5 mana cost he gets a chance to be in most battles, outside little league.
-Suspect to mana attacks.
-Isn't allowed in little league.
Super tanky, good mana cost for the abilities, decent price to buy up to max, decent attack once maxed. I think I found my go to tank for green. Obviously he isn't perfect and magic attack could really mess with him. He seems very versatile and very durable.