Splinterlands Diary 04.09.24 - Janni Rebel

in Splinterlands6 months ago

Greetings, brave warriors of Splinterlands! It's fall and after a busy summer I'm back to being active on the internet again. Especially in my favorite game there have been a lot of changes, and the new Rebellion reward cards give even more opportunities for interesting strategies.

I recently got a rare JANNI REBEL card in gold foil in my deck and I'm definitely excited about this mage with the ability to boost the attack of melee cards.


In a recent fight I used it with FRANZ RUFFMANE summoner and the mighty MARISOL CONTUMA gladiator and it worked out great. Even though the opponent built a good defense using legendary summoner GRANDMASTER RATHE, which gives protection from magic attacks and strengthens shields, as well as legendary ADELADE BRIGHTWING, which perfectly repairs these shields.


Watch The Battle

I only lost one DRYBONE BARBARIAN, but before he left the battlefield, thanks to the enhanced attack, he served me very well!

I will continue to explore new cards soon and, as always, see you on the battlefield!

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