Splinterlands Card Market Review & Action - NFA 💸

in Splinterlands11 months ago (edited)


Analyzing Card Market And Making Some Moves


Context: Cards Mcap now is around $45Mi Usd, trying to use some TA (technical analysis) concepts, before previous bullrun we can see a resistence at 25Mi (where red line is drawn), which was right before a big move where many stuffs happened, nft market hype and fomo, sps airdrop and CL edition release after it... We see an ath (all time high) at 275Mi, some folks says that a crypto bear market or bottom is around 80% to 90% bellow ath, so we look to be in that accumulation zone (55Mi to 27,5 Mi), which could go again near 25Mi, that actually makes sense that previous resistence turn into a support now, so following that is shown that there are still some arbitrages going on with pack flippings, but still imo it makes sense if you are confortable into dca at that range (dollar cost average), because from 45Mi to 27,5 Mi or so its still something like a ~40% decrease. And of course, if you believe in the project and its future...
So anyway, 2 weeks ago I started buying some individual cards at market and lowering my rental cost to play in modern champion, burned some gladius to gather funds and traded off other assets... cards seen already cheap, got a max chaos dragon for 18 bucks, lira the dark, and complementary legendaries from rewards like venator kinjo, countess sinashi and jared scar, I go looking for scarcity and utility on gameplay... So my strategy is that if market goes down I'll accumulate more of others Im looking into


Another context is that CL packs are over on the rewards pool, so no more supply to be issued, and we are gonna see it mainly through 3rd markets or events, which adds scarcity
But what mainly needs to be talked and why Im writing is because the average CL pack value (according to splintercards platform) is above its costs on hive engine/tribaldex. So on average looks that large ammounts flippings could turn into over 30% profit (as I said, on short term, because of others market factors and long term behaviors).



Average Value: $0,855 usd
Actual Cost: $0,646 usd (without potion cost)
Honestly, this looks like the trader's Black Friday to me. So I went to flip 60 packs, cost at today's morning was actually at ~ $0,67 and the total was something around 40 usd bucks...


I was insanely lucky and got almost 250% profit over it, pulling GFL Immortalis summoner, which is the second most expensive card from CL 👀


Got others legendaries and regular Jacek, which is a good legendary summoner and worth over 5 bucks, which are another 8 packs current value


For my surprise I bended reality here lol and the last card was a GFL Adelade, which is around 30 bucks at bid price, I'll look into selling it on next weeks after its unlocked if the arbitrage is still on or if market is cheaper.

Adelade Brightwing_lv2_gold.png


I had the same strategy to help me use potions that were accumulating and take advantage of CL packs at $0.65 USD. I bought 350 in total, but you got all the good luck with 2 GFL! In my 350 packs I got no GFL and ultimately came out a little short on value. But in the end, my desire was to be able to use the USD fiat I had and turn it into DEC through card sales, so that was a success. It is just a shame that I didn't open at least one GFL to finish in the positive.

Next time you must share the luck with others!

Dang, thats so unlucky, on average I think each 100 packs gives you 1 GFL... At least that was the math I saw some streamers doing on guild bucky opennings...

I think the chances are actually much worse than that.. mathematically, I believe it is closer to 1 in 300.

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