Thank you my friend!
I will definitely check that out and take your advice, I find it so hard to source any relevant information to my current standing in the game (i.e bronze, low cp, confused) hahahah so it will most certainly be useful to me!
I figured the same thing too and honestly after my post I didn't expect to be where I am currently, I thought most people would know how to deal with Mylor by now especially with all the newer editions but I'm somehow at 1300 rating currently, went on some huge win streak last night and really, really enjoyed myself 😂
I'm still technically in Bronze 2 due to my CP but damn did I have fun, even managed to secure myself 12 season chests and 8 focus chests which is brilliant, I was surprised I managed a single chest last night now I'll genuinely have something to look forward to opening up.
Thank you again for the kind words and suggestions! Truly appreciate it! Going to have a read of your post shortly also and try absorb all the information I can, will leave you a follow up on your post of my thoughts, thank you my friend and have a wonderful day!
(3/5) sent you LUV.
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My pleasure mate. It is definitely a rush getting all those chests in Bronze even though they may not amount to much! If you have any cards rented out, you might want to consider taking them off the rental market as its so unrewarding currently. Definitely get to Silver 3 for the RP increase, then it will be more fun with all the chests :)