
To the best of my knowledge,
@aggroed created the SPT Tribe and it was the very first Tribe created.

Yes I think it was him but second tribe Weedcash was first 😀

Thanks for the information.

Thanks no wonder it is impossible to communicate with that tribe... I wonder if we make a small wager maybe 10 DEC, I bet @neoxian beat @splintertalk to be 1st Tribe?

Sure I will take that 10 DEC bet. Although we both might be wrong as @skylinebuds says Weedcash was the first Tribe created. It would make sense that the founder(aggroed) of the site (Hive-Engine) that creates Tribe FrontEnds would create one himself before offering the service to others. I could be eating some humble pie here as I very well might be wrong.

@neoxian & @aggroed can we get a clarification of who had the first tribe in HIVE? maybe neither one and it was infact @skylinebuds ? :D

Not my tribe Weedcash is richard,

My tribe was definitely not the first, at least Palnet and Leo came before it.

looks like either way I am wrong, got confirmation my bet was not first :D
sending over 10 DEC in game

To the best of my knowledge,
@aggroed created the SPT Tribe and it was the very first Tribe created.