So earlier today I noticed something interesting during one of my battles in the poison ruleset. The extra HP from Djinn Renova's buff didn't get taken away when she died and I figured I'd share what I learnt.
If you want to see the battle for yourself, here is a link to the battle.
Battle Lineup
So here's the situation. Both of us have gelatinous cubes, with the only difference being mine has an extra hp due to the buff from Djinn Renova. Other than that, I had honestly assumed it was going to end in a tie.
For those unfamiliar with Djinn Renova and gelatinous cube, Renova gives all allied units including itself 1 extra HP, which gets deducted when she dies. As Renova is a magic unit, the HP deduction usually only happens to units behind her as she would usually be taken out by either snipe, or from being on the frontline.
As for the cube, it possesses the scavenge ability, which lets it gain 1hp for each unit that dies. Take note of the HP of both cubes as the battle goes on.
Round 2
Round 1 was basically a stalemate. Neither of us could break the other's frontline. After poison did its job, the wood nymph and both chickens went down. My cube still maintains the 1 HP advantage as Renova was alive.
Round 3
After poison did its work, my shieldbearer and his mushroom seer also went down. As both renova and the conjurer still had divine shields, the unicorn was guarenteed to die before it can hit my cube.
Round 5
Unicorn died Round 4 to Renova, so now we have an interesting situation. I expected that Renova would die to poison, the cube would lose 1 hp, and we'd have a tie.
But that didn't happen
The cube maintained its 1 HP advantage. Letting me win by 2 HP (after scavenge) at the end of the match.
If you wanna see the match, here's the link.
So What Just Happened?
From what I saw, it looked like Renova's HP buff was not removed as scavenge had been slowly pushing up cube's max HP, similar to how ancient lich and vampire interact with Byzantine Kitty's healing. Since poison had knocked the cube's HP below its new max HP, the loss of Renova's buff didn't translate to a HP loss. Something that I never knew was a thing until now.
Thanks For Reading!
So yeah, thanks for joining me in understanding abit more on Splinterland's HP mechanics! If you like what you read, do leave an upvote! If you wanna try the game for yourself, you can do so using my affiliate link here! Otherwise, have a nice day, and do come check out my Twitch where I stream non-splinterlands stuff!