I will sadly have to vote no to this. Reason is that right now we have a like 2 other version on including the one that Matt should pass soon to ask the DAO for 250k$ (so some of these could be used then to pay for Rebelion instead.
Another thing is that I would rather sell these for BTC or to buy more SPS (that can later be used as reward once the airdrop will be over in a few years from now). But yeah, buying DEC could be used to create some liquidity pool I give you that, but I would rather that us the player get the good ROI on these pools instead of having to compete with the DAO on that.
So for those reason I'll be voting no but thanks @bulldog1205 for trying to put something out there, I appreciate your effort but for the reason above I can't approve this version.
Next time if you were to do another one, I suggest you take the time to ask people around first so that you can tailor something more precise and make sure ahead of spending 100k DEC that you have the support from the majority of the community to avoid these getting rejected for small details that could have been fix ahead of time and approved by everyone before sending this through. (but that's just my 2 cents)
Another reason to vote no is the fact that the DAO buying DEC to try and start the flywheel will only make everyone that bought cheap DEC to dump on the DAO and the DAO paying too much for DEC until we run out of those 286k$ then the price will fall again since there is still no new sink in place until land, TD, new guild building, boss fight etc. are created and fully implemented.
Doing so right now would be a drop in the ocean to try and manipulate the market on DEC while potentially having no other effect that make sure everyone with extra DEC read to flip will go and dump on the DAO
So for that reason as well, I'll be voting no