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RE: End of Season Rewards & Card Giveaway

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Good to see some folk are pulling decently from their season rewards; congrats on the Djinn! I pulled Pelacors, Potions and 5 DEC :S

Personally, the only desirable pulls I see from any rewards are cards worth renting out. Because of the gap between F2P and whales, nothing I could pull from rewards is going to do help, competitively. Even if it's a card I've been renting, I'd rather have rent fodder for flexible renting strategies.

My first goal is enough rental income to cover the card I've been renting to compete. To that end, my preferred reward would be 1+ Epic/Gold per batch of rewards that has decent rent value.

IGN is @entrepidus ;P


That's a good point on the rental value. I will have to check out how much some of my epics/golds rents for because frankly I'm not using them much.

I need all my cards to peek my head about 1000CP without renting but imagine the desirable cards will rent for a similar amount to the high CP trash I need to stay up in the leagues. A good perspective, thanks!