Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Fog of War

in Splinterlands2 years ago
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The featured ruleset this week is Fog of War, which removes the snipe, opportunity and sneak abilities from all monsters on the battlefield.

The ruleset can be recognized by the following icon:

The battle being shared is from ranked play in diamond league.



This was a high mana battle with cap of 30. The Fire, Earth, Water and Life splinters were available. It had 3 rulesets:

  • Up to Eleven: All Monsters have the Amplify ability.
  • Armored Up: All Monsters have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat.
  • Fog of War: Monsters lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.



Link to the battle


Sloan - Chosen in order to do burst physical damage, expecting either Kelya with Baakjira or Wave Brood, Immortalis with reduces magic damage or Obsidian which does magic damage.

Blinding Reflector - Chosen to provide some protection to magical damage in the form of reflect damage.

Pelacor Conjurer - Chosen to provide some additional protection to magical damage in the form of reflect damage. It could have been present in 1st place instead of 2nd to try and take advantage of the blind better.

Time Mage - Mostly to reduce armor, which would nullify the armored up ruleset.

Xenith Archer - Chosen to provide additional low mana cost damage. Last monster selected.

Zyriel - Chosen to nullify additional armor which could be present in the field due to Mycelia ou Kelya expecting to be played. Also the life leech would build up as a late tank to provide the backline monster to do damage for longer.

Prismologist - Chosen as the main damage dealer.

Team was created to focus on doing a mix of burst physical damage, while reducing armor protection and having reflect damage with amplify.


My opponent focused on a somewhat similar strategy, having reflect damage, reducing armor with rust and shatter, and physical ranged damage. Fernheart is not a common presence and as such was unexpected.

Round 1

On the first round both sides managed to down the 1st monster, but I manage to make more leeway on the 2nd and Mycelia.


Round 2

3 monsters taken out on the opposing side, while the opponent only managed to take 1 out. Armor also recovered on my side after downing Mycelia. Opponent would need a great amount of misses on my part to win, match pretty much won otherwise.


Round 3

1 monster left on the opposing side only needing 1 hit to be downed. While not impossible, opponent would need a great amount of misses on my part to win, continues to look like a clear win.


Round 4

As expected opponent was defeated.


It was a risk placing units with over 4 damage on the battlefield as Slipsawn and Oshannus were possible, but it paid off by having quite a bit more burst damage present than the opponent. Zyriel is a great fit for these matches as it provides another rust option in the CL set cards for life, which combined with a lot more damage and survivability than Time Mage or Scavo Technomancer which could be another option. Often speed or scatter are good options for this ruleset.

Thank you for reading my 3rd entry for the Battle Mage Secrets!

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