What cards should i rent? HELP!

in Splinterlands4 years ago

I'm currently out of decs and questpotions and i am sorry to say this.. but as a new player i am loosing my interest in #splinterlands due to getting 1 chest with a potion or around 10 decs daily..

I haven't gotten a card 7 times a row and 4 of them was with using questpotion.. i bought 1 for 750 dec and got 7 dec..so i gave that up.

I cried it out jn Discord and got told to rent cards and go silver or gold.

Do you have some tips on what to rent? What is the main element u use in silver? Should i level up summoner cards first?

The new guild brawls looks awesome and we are going trough it but.. it doesn't feel fun when u cant level up and participate and brag about your new fetched cards in the guildchat.
