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RE: Land-Speculation: #4 Buildings

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

I agree, one building will be extremely limited in terms of what a single plot owner can do. It is also a wasted potential of further DEC burning because constructing, upgrading and maintaining each building will all create a massive sink for DEC/SPS. Why not double-dip if it further benefits the economy that way? But it would be much more complex with multiple buildings and such things could probably be introduced later.

Assuming they stay with one building, I could imagine that higher levels would give larger on-plot storage, even when you don't have a specific storage building on it. So you would have to come every x-days to collect the harvest and move it out to make room for more.

It would be pretty boring if it would be reduced to that but it would be good enough for a first MVP. The benefit of this new land game is, that it is entirely time-based. It takes time to harvest and safe for buildings, which take time to build, move around resources which takes longer for larger distances and finally craft something, which also takes time. Rince and repeat. Meanwhile, the dev team can figure out the next phase, while the players have a more or less (because of DEC burn shortcuts to speed up things) predictable time to play to reach a level where they will eventually ask for more.

Although nothing concrete, the team seems to consider a PvE game that even includes non-land owners to a degree. If so, I suspect it will all be time based stuff as well (at least in the starting phase).

Maybe something like sending a team of monsters and a summoner to a quest, which takes them out of circulation for a fixed amount of time. The better your monsters, the higher chance to complete the quest and/or the better the quest rewards. Depending on where those quests happen, they could have to pay a tribute to the plot owner, the tract owner and castle owner, which is deducted from their loot. This could be done randomly to spread monsters into all corners of Praetoria and let all land owners benefit from it.

Boss Fights have been mentioned as part of the PvE in Lands but probably not in the starting phase.

!1UP 🍄!PIZZA 🍕!BEER 🍺tmAnd expect the @curation-cartel soon



Oh yeah, I also agree that one building per Plot would be a wasted opportunity. More slots give you way more choices you can make to optimize your plot and "play" the land-game.

I also thought that maybe rarity plays a role in that aswell. So common land is only offering x building-slots , rare ones x+1 and so on.

I also think it would be a good idea to include non-land-owners somehow to participate in parts of the land play because that way you can include more players. Maybe some sort of PvE mode (PvP and PvE is going to be Post #6 so there I also play around some ideas, actually including the one you just proposed)

But yeah I can't wait to see how Boss Monsters will be implemented in the land-game. Especially for your sake I hope those will be awesome. Can't wait to fight your Boss Monster. Do you have an idea in mind already? Don't think I have ever asked you that 😅

It will be a !1UP mushroom monster.


😲 That looks amazing !!! Now I can't wait to fight it, which will probably be pretty tough