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Time to open another chaos legion pack.
Let's see how lucky I am today.
2 rare cards and 3 common cards, a pack that I would call average.
However, the Xenith Monk is a nice card, it's actually the second most expensive chaos legion rare card (Windeku being n1). The reason for this is that he gets heal at level 2, making him one of the best bronze little league tanks.
Since I still need 8 more copies before I can get him levelled to level 3 (and he only gains +1 attack speed) I personally don't care too much about this card, but it's still nice that it has a decent value.
However, packs like this still make a pretty big loss considering they cost $4 and the total value of this pack is around $1.
I guess we all know that it's not the best financial time to open splinterlands packs. However, it's still fun to hope for that gold foil legendary while you click on the card backs.
PS: Our guild is recruiting
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If you are an active splinterlands player, you are active on hive and are ready to hop on our discord, you might be the person we are looking for!
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I would not even call it average my friend!
Better luck next time though.
Actually, according to the splintercards tool, the value of this pack is considered the exact average with a value of $1.12.
But I get what you mean 😅
I thought average was close to the value of the pack :-)
Can I request some dividers again, Please!
I will make sure you are rewarded :)
I was thinking about creating some more myself, some extra motivation always helps!
Any specific requests?
Did you ever do the death Splinter?
Yes I did, you can find it here:
Then the rest of them I guess, one at a time
Here is the fire splinter divider:
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Good luck next time!