Probably best to stay in Gold this season!

One more day to go and the second season with the new rewards lays behind us. Time to decided if I do move up to Diamond again or stay in Gold.
Both the first 2 new reward season was filled with Diamond boxes for my account. Filled is maybe a too big word.

In my first reward season I was granted around 132 chests. Did loose count somewhere. But the rewards weren't that bad with 72 cards, 31 potions, 2 Chaos Legends packs and a whopping 20K DEC.
The downside was that I never played so many games in years, even resulting in a negative win/loss ratio (.98). I did play 572 games.
While I did get a lesser amount of chests compared to the old reward system, the rewards itself were better.
But it appears that this was pure luck.

So far I did earn myself 87 chests filled with 35 cards, 4544 DEC and 17 potions. I am already assured of 54 End of Season chests.

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As you see I can easily advance to Diamond again; but the question is if I do want to do this. I do know that the competition at the end of the season is less at the bottom of Diamond than at the top of Gold.
I also do know that the content of the Gold boxes are statistically lower than the Diamond ones.
The question is if I will earn more boxes in Gold than in Diamond and if so, will I earn twice the amount of boxes. If this latter is the case, then staying in Gold could be worthwhile. But as long as I don't try it; I will never know.

With a vacation around the corned I will probably play less than normal, so maybe Gold is the better place to stay in. But than I should get out of Silver quick enough to earn a decent amount of Focus Points to grab enough chests.
All question where I don't have the answer on. The only way to find out is to try it. So I will stay in Gold.



Depends of your cards, I would say. Do you have mostly gold level cards or are they max level? If max then move up to diamond.

They weren't that great :(

I was in Diamond the last two seasons but didn't earn anywhere near the same number of chests you did. I got 50 last time and I am looking at right around 50 this time. I am planning on staying in Gold this time. I am hoping the quantity versus quality thing comes into play and I can earn the same rewards with more chests. I honestly don't feel like my deck is a Diamond level deck given the level of my summoners, so I think I might be more at home in the silver/gold leagues.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My summoners are probably okay, but I do lack some legendaries. Most of my cards are at the max my level 6 summoners can support.

I am horrible at the strategy. I just keep my getting my butt handed to me. That doesn't help at all!

:) Know that feeling. Often loose with better cards because the other party has so much more knowledge of the strategy. Let's call me a lazy/lousy player.

You and me both!

Hey @bozz, here is a little bit of BEER from @fullcoverbetting for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

But should be affecting the no. of EOS chests only for next season

Nice, I still prefer to level up. Made Diamond 2 for the first time, after what I would call th e toughest season yet...

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