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RE: Diving Deeper into Managing My Collection for Survival Mode

in Splinterlands2 days ago

That's true, summoners are the bottleneck. Btw, do you know where we can see what is the cooldown period remaining for a card?


Isn't it on the page where are displayed your cards? Like where there is id/if rented/ and so on, the tab near "for rent" "for sale" etc... I never tried it yet, waiting for season end

Looks like I was selecting the wrong filter. I should have selected "Survival mode depleted" instead of "Survival mode disabled", and then, you can see the depleted card with a red survival symbol instead of a green one. If you hover over the symbol you find out how many days (and probably hours if the time is less than a day), is before the cooldown expires.


That was tricky, they really would need to make a manual and update it every time, like this is not very user friendly

Thanks for sharing

Yeah, many things can be improved. But this is the 1st version, and they have had lots of projects slated for Q1. I'm ok with this initial version. I'm sure they will iterate on this, and things will improve.