There are still 7 days to go until Rebellion's official release but we got a sneak peek into the whole set thanks to the fact that we got it on the Mav server. I've already played a few battles trying out wacky stuff with different Rebellion monsters and summoners and I must say that it's pretty fun. So since I have access to the Mav server, I've decided to show 3 fun cards from each Element or a total of 21 cards so here we go:
- Let's start with a Legendary one, member of the Fire Element - Chaos Golem
First of all the art of this set is really cool, and I also really like what they did with the frames even though it is still need some time to get used to them. Now for the card itself - the Chaos Golem is a 9 Mana Legendary Card with 5 Melee Attack, 4 Speed, 4 Armor and 11 Health (at max level). It starts off with Return Fire at level 1. It then gains Enrage at level 2 and Retaliate at level 3. It's a pretty "beefy boy" for the cost of 9 mana and what's more important being at that mana cost means that it is not vulnerable to Giant Killer and that could be very important since I suspect people will be running Giant Killer quite often. Its enraged retaliation will be no fun for the enemy Monsters for sure as well. .
- The second one is a Rare one - Torch Vizier
It is again a card from the Fire Element. It costs 5 Mana and has 5 Melee Attack, 4 Speed, 7 Health (at max level). She? starts off with Opportunity at level 1, then gains Reflect Shield at level 4 and finally gains her full potential in terms of stats at level 8. She is definitely looking beastly right now and unless she gets nerfed before release I can see her becoming an often sight to behold in Fire line-ups.
- The third one is an Epic one - Dalthin Ironhood
Again love how the art pops out of the new thinner frames, and the art direction itself is pretty cool for sure. So, Dalthin Ironhood is an interesting new Ranged Attack card for the Fire Element. He costs 7 Mana and has 3 Ranged Attack , 4 Speed, 5 Armor and 6 Health (at max level). He starts off with Weapons Training, then picks up Immunity at level 3, and eventually Redemption at level 6 (max). Weapons Training is going to be very big in this set so any card which provides it will be important. The fact that he has Immunity makes him also a great candidate for the Noxious Fumes ruleset.
- The fourth one is a Legendary one, member of the Water Element - Endura Brune
This Legendary Llamataur is definitely not a fish nevertheless she is a member of the Water element. Diversity is important after all, right? - Right! So, she has 2 Ranged Attack, 4 Speed, 2 Armor and 10 Health (at max level). She starts off with Amplify at level 1. Then picks up Silence at level 2. Level 3 brings Headwinds to the table and finally level 4 completes the package with Swiftness. What's interesting in her case is that she provides some pretty powerful buffs while still maintaining a great amount of health and some attacking potential.
- The fifth card is an Epic one - Thanalorian Scion
This time it's neither a fish nor a llama-taur but an actual High Elf who seems to like bathing a lot. I can't blame her, bathing is necessary for sure. The Thanalorian Scion costs 5 mana and at max level she has 3 Magic Attack, 1 Speed, 11 Armor, and 1 Health. She starts off with two abilities - Corrosive Armor and Void Armor and at level 5 she also gains True Strike. She has interesting stats and will definitely shine in rulesets such as Reverse Speed and Equalizer.
- The sixth one is a Legendary one - Daarg Deadblast
The last one for the Water Element is a... Hyaenan. Does he like bathing as well? I really doubt it but who knows... Daarg Deadblast costs 7 Mana and has 3 Magic Attack, 1 Speed and 8 Health (at max level). He starts with Weapons Training and Swiftness and level 1, then at level 2 he also gains Triage and finally at level 3 he gains Dodge. His 1 Speed paired with Swiftness is definitely a Reverse Speed trap - I would not recommend playing Swiftness Monsters then, however, he also has Weapons Training and as I have already mentioned - the more Weapons Training you have access to this set, the better as it will definitely be really potent. Triage and Dodge are great abilities as well.
- The seventh one is a Common one, member of the Earth Element - Lurking Puffer
The first one for the Earth Element, we are looking at, is the Lurking Puffer. It's some sort of a smelly flower with no attack, 3 Speed and 9 Health at max level, however, it costs 2 Mana, so already a great body for the mana cost. When you pair that with Corrosive Armor at level 1, Silence at level 5 and Posion at level 10, you suddenly get a pretty potent Monster for this small amount of mana. All that is left is to throw in a Monster with Weapons Training...
- The eight one is a Legendary one - Lord Thanalor
Second on the Earth list is another High Elf, this dude prefers to hang out in the forest so probably not bathing that often as the previous one. Lord Thanalor is 12-mana Caster with 4 attack, 6 Speed, 2 Armor and 9 Health (at max level). He starts off with Amplify, then at level 2 he gains Scavenge. Finally at level 3 he gains Rust. Being 12 mana means that he's susceptible to Giant Killer so you should be mindful of that. His 6 Speed, however, is takes him to the top of the fastest casters in the game. That could be very important in certain situations. We also could gain quite a few hit points as the battle progresses if he is placed in a good spot for that. A pretty cool card overall.
- The nineth one is also a legendary one - Zebajin
Zebajin is another caster for the Green team. At max level he has 2 Magic Attack, 3 Speed, 2 Armor and 11 Health at the cost of 7 Mana. He starts off with Armored Strike at level 1 and then gains Last Stand at level 4 (max). That makes him a pretty interesting card since any additional armor source could make him deal quite a bit of damage. Then when he gets to the moment to pop Last Stand, the additional armor provided by it is definitely a very good damage modifier for his Armored Strike.
- The tenth one is a Rare one, member of the Death Element - Helheim Demon
The first card from the Death element we're gonna have a quick look at is the Helheim Demon. He's a cool Magic Attack Monster at a cost of 10 Mana with 3 Attack, 4 Speed, 4 Armor and 10 Health. At level 1 he starts off with both Flying and Taunt. At level 3 he gains Corrosive Armor, and finally at level 10 he gains Cripple. Ranged Taunt Monsters are always appreciated and this one is no exception. The only issue is that he would be erased by any enemy with Giant Killer and every enemy Monster with Fury so use with caution. Still, I think he's a good addition to the Death Element and will see a fair amount of use.
- The eleventh card is a Legendary one - Demise Archon Faust
Another member of the Death Element, we are going to skim through, is Demise Archon Faust. He's a Legendary card which costs 5 mana and has 3 Magic Attack, 2 Speed, 1 Armor and 4 Health (at max level). He starts off with Look Out and Flying and then earns Life Leech at level 3. Look Out cards will definitely also see a lot of play this set since they are great at protecting against Sneak, Opportunity, Snipe and Ambush so I expect to see him in the battlefield as well. His relatively low cost of 5 mana makes him quite accessible for most mana brackets.
- The twelfth is a Legendary one yet again - Barashkukor
Barashkukor... I just love the name, lol, the art is just as cool for sure, as for the card itself - Barashkukor is a 13-mana card with 5 Magic Attack, 4 Speed, 5 Armor and 8 Health (at max level). He starts off with Fury, then at level 2 he gains Weaken, and at level 3 - Spell Reflect. So Barashkukor is a potent Caster (as his art suggests) but the question is how often will you be able to afford his price tag of 13 mana. Maybe not as often as you would like. Also let's not forget that he is vulnerable to Giant Killer. A great candidate for those 99 mana battles though.
- The thirteenth card is a Rare one, member of the Life Element - Silverblade Fighter
We're doing things in reverse it seems because after Death comes... Life. Maybe it's not in reverse. It's a cycle after all. Okay, enough philosophy for now, the first Life Monster we will peek at is the Silverblade Fighter. He is a 6-mana Melee Attacker with 3 Attack, 4 Speed, 7 Armor and 6 Health (at max level). He starts off with Flank, then at level 2 he gains Void Armor and finally at level 6 - Fortify. I think that this cool looking tank dude will see play for his Flank ability if not anything else. Flank provides Reach to the Melee Monster behind him so there could be quite a few Monsters to take advantage of such luxury.
- The fourteenth one is a Legendary one - Bera Dallin
Next on the list is Bera Dallin. She is an 11-Mana Legendary card with 3 Melee Attack, 4 Speed, 7 Armor and 14 Health (at max level). She starts off with Armored Strike and Taunt. At level 2 she gains Shield, and at level 4 she gains Void Armor. Even though she is yet another Monster vulnerable to Giant Killer, I want to say that she has a great set of abilities for a main tank. She takes reduced damage versus Melee and Ranged attacks and Magic Attacks also have to go through her Armor first. I bet she can do miracles with 2 Repair Monsters behind her and no Corrosive Amor on the side of the enemy
- The fifteenth card is a Legendary one again - Commander Goff
The final Life Monster is Commander Goff. He costs 9 mana and has 3 Ranged Attack, 5 Speed, 7 Armor and 8 Health (at max level). He starts off with Dodge at level 1, then gains Inspire at level 2 followed by Divine Shield at level 3 and then finally Resurrect at level 4. You should never underestimate a Monster with the Resurrect ability, especially for the White team. They love Resurrecting stuff over and over, and over, and over.. The rest of his abilities are pretty good as well. I think he will see a very good amount of play.
- The sixteenth one is a Legendary one, member of the Dragon Element - Runeseer Sevaya
Runeseer Sevaya is a 4-mana Legendary support card with no attack, 3 Speed and 4 Health. At level 1 she has Cleanse and Fortify. At level two Blind gets added to her arsenal. At level 3 Repair also joins the party and finally at level 4 Amplify gets the ability count to a total of five. Not many cards have so many abilities so Runeseer Sevaya is definitely a pretty strong support to add to your line-up, especially since her cost of 4 mana allows her to be played in battles where the Little League ruleset is active.
- The seventeenth card is a Legendary one, Solace Ashinach
Solace Ashinach is another Legendary Monster member of the Dragon Element. It costs 4 mana and has 1 Melee Attack, 3 Speed, 1 Armor and 10 Health. At level 1 he starts off with Return Fire. At level 2 he gains Spell Reflect. At level 3 Reflection Shield is added and finally at level 4 he also gains Redemption. It is obvious that with his 1 Attack our Drakoshan here is not much of a fighter but I do think he can do a decent job defending. Specifically playing the role of an off-tank or even main tank if it's Little League. Could definitely see some use in low-mana battles as a whole as well.
- The eighteenth one is an Epic one - Redwyrm Dragon
Finally the last one for Dragon is a true dragon - a red one. Redwyrm Dragon costs 9 mana and has 2 Magic Attack, 6 Speed, 6 Armor and 11 Health (at max level). He starts off with Flying and Immunity. At level 5 he gains Stun. The Redwyrm Dragon seems a great choice for occasions such as Earthquake and/or Noxious Fumes rulesets being active. He has a great amount of Speed and Health even though he's lacking a bit in the damage department, he can definitely stand his ground. I like it.
- The nineteenth card is a Common one, member of the Neutral Element - Ulundin Overseer
And now for the last element in today's post and the game as a whole - Neutral. We're starting with the Ulundin Overseer. He is the epitome of a Beefy Boy - he's huge... costs 11 mana, and has no attack, 1 Speed, 10 Armor and 17 Health. He has only one ability and it is Flank. I think the purpose of this Monster is pretty obvious - to be a meat shield. You put it in first position and through some big Melee damage dealer in the second spot so it can take advantage of the Flank ability and gain reach. Then you kick back and relax.
- The twentieth card is also a Common one - Grimbardun Fighter
Grimbardun Fighter is second to last Monster of today's post. She is a 9-Mana Melee attacker with 4 Attack, 3 Speed, 3 Armor and 9 Health (at max level). She starts with Shield at level 1. At level 3 she gains Corrosive Armor and at level 6 Reflection Shield. The Grimbardun Fighter seems like a very decent tank Monster which could also be used in the off-tank spot if the main tank has the Flank ability or if she is used with a Summoner such as Possibilus. She is also out of the Giant Killer range so she has nothing specific to fear other than pure Magic damage.
- Finally the last card for today is a Legendary one - Nalara Geinek
The final card for today is Nalara Geinek. She's a 9-mana Caster with 1 Magic Damage, 3 Speed, 5 Armor and 10 Health. At level 1 she has Amplify. At level 2 she gains Silence. At level 3 - Void, and finally at level 4 she also gains Stun. She seems to be a good support caster and could find her place is some line-ups and most certainly will play a role when the Wands Out ruleset is active because Silence is very powerful in that setting.
Well this is it for now. Play More, Bot Less! <3
Over and Out,
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