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RE: Splinterlands 101 - Ep 132: The Exit Interviews Part 1: @holoz0r

in Splinterlands8 months ago

Yeah matt came up with this brilliant idea of reaching out and bringing back prevelant names from the past to come on and share a story and an update on them. like a tribute of sorts. lol


O.O I see. so if i quit then i can get a tribute? XD

You're more than welcome to come on the show whether you quit or not :)

O.O maybe soon when there's good news haha still waiting

matt spoke for me! always welcomed.

o.o yes he did. so whats up. how u holding up in splinterlands

I'm holding up fine, SPL isnt the only thing im involved in. I enjoy brawls, doing the show and battling friends.

o.o what else u doing now? i know u are in blitz butdk what happen to that its been quiet there