End of Season Power Delegation

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

First come first serve! 400 CP worth of delegations. Up to 50k per player. Comment below how much CP you need for EOS.


I have to enter brawls immediately after end-of-season, so please don't use the cards. If they go on cooldown I will have less of a chance to help my guild win.

Copy of godislove777 12.png


Very nice! My alt account in Bronze II got this in EOSBronze II.png
IGN gear2luffy

season rewards small.png

Gold Wavesmith = Yes!

Nothing impressive, but still progress nonetheless.


All those potions getting you ready for Dec 8th :D

Really nice to have you around Justin! You are helping a lot of people!!

@doomz (new scholar base) CP donation would be epic 😁

Thanks for doing this, it's great of OP players to share their wealth (CP) with smaller guys trying to climb the ranks 🚀 #splintertalk #Splinterlands #play2earn @monster-curator @minnow.helper @oneup #oneup

First of all, Thank you so much @godislove777 for the delegation last eos really really appreciated it.

Here is my eos rewards and I can say these are the best rewards I get for 3 months of playing


Much love fam

25k to reach silver 2
thanks in advance@leijun987

will send it a few minutes before EOS. please don't use the cards!

Thank you for your kindness...

50k extra would help a lot to get to gold II! Thank you!

will send it a few minutes before EOS. please don't use the cards!

50k to Gold II...rating is high enough.
Thank You ;)

Hi, 980 power for bronze 2 rewards. Thank you :D
ign: cyox


Need 1k power. thanks

That 50k would help me a lot. Renting has not been easy these days on EOS, and this work you do is amazing dude. Hopefully you can drop another live like the one from the season before. I actually had a blast with it.

I didn't realize you were such a big renter!! You're a great player. Will send it over soon. Please don't use the cards!

Full renter, started to play in mid June without much of an investment, but kept playing and having fun with rentals. I won't use them for sure =D

2680/40000 power for silver 2, i have rank for silver 1 but that is too much power better spread to all
power need 37320
dont need cards for play need cards only for power

Definetely worth :D tnx <3

wow, what a nice idea! <3

i need 10.000 Power to get my first time Diamond3 rewards!


thx my friend @godislove777

13.5k to reach silver 3

you are the best ever

30k to reaxh Silver 2 @nysster thanks

Please delegate 9k power to this account @jaojao.

Helping a friend hehe

50k for gold ign:littlegroot

wow, that is super helpful for us little guys.

25k would push me to silver 2, I have the rating for gold 2.

Thanks :)

Edit: Won't use the cards, is pointless to fight in silver league with the gold rating, 9/10 fights is vs maxed (for silver) yodin/lamma/kitty/valnamor

IGN: @emanginasal

Hoping for a 50k delegation if possible just to reach Silver 2 in a few minutes :)

I missed out sad haha I needed 70K power to be in gold, hope you have nice pulls guys!

Wow nice one!! Very helpful and appreciate this!! #spt #oneup #leofinance

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Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2021 - Become an Orca!

arrivo tardi a stagione finita. si potrebbero avere 1k per bronzo 2 per la prossima stagione? se possibile le lascio li e non le uso. grazie in ogni caso @gidien

Wow, really cool move!
Thanks a lot!!!

My rating is at Diamond league but my CP at Silver 2 for two season already. Cant afford the rent. Hopefully i snatch some. Thanks Delegation King <3<3<3

Opps. i missed it. already finished XD


7 cards :)

Thank you for the delegation in last end season, hope can get delegation again this coming end season hahaha. By the way check my end season reward totally worth it, sorry for the late reply✌️😁😁
IMG_20211211_141338.jpg IMG_20211211_141256.jpg

12K to silver II, thanks!