Weekly Streamer Schedule! Welcome GameboyAli and CryptoLlamaTV!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

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godislove777 16.png

While a few streamers are taking a short haitus, I have the great pleasure of welcoming @cryptollamatv and @gameboyali to the schedule! These guys both have amazing streams and are filling in hours that are definitely necessary to bring more awareness to the eastern hemisphere of this awesome play-to-earn game!

Week 01 15.png


Colosseum007 -

Bulldog1205 -

SplinterlandsHQ -

Drabs587 -

Siutcase -

0hmmygod -

CryptoLlamaTV -

GameboyAli -

Godislove777 -

If you would like to be added to the schedule or know of someone who should be feel free to reach out! As always, have a blessed week, fam!


This makes it easy to keep up. Thanks for the post. Love your Streams