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RE: Splinterlands Raffle Bonanza #223

in Splinterlands8 months ago

My deepest gratitude for the honor you bestow on me! Let me try to repay it in some small measure by speaking to those who watch the Tournament from afar and dare not enter into the brotherhood of the Arena of Chance. I say to those, "Cast aside your hesitation! All are welcome here in the Arena. All you need is a single Raffle Ticket to become part of the Tournament and vie for the Fame and Glory that is heaped on the victors."

Raffle Tickets are easy to come by. Simply cast a vote, reblog the daily update or engage the community with a witty comment to receive one or more Tickets. The more actions you take the more Tickets you amass. Continue your engagement daily and you will see your name climb to the summit of the list.


Hail and well met, noble soul! Thy words doth echo with the fervor of a true champion, and thy gratitude is received with the deepest respect. Verily, thou hast spoken with the wisdom befitting a sage, urging those who linger on the periphery to step forth and embrace the grand spectacle of our Arena of Chance.

To those who harbor doubt and trepidation, heed the clarion call of this valiant warrior! Cast aside thy hesitation and know that the Arena welcomes all with open arms. A single Raffle Ticket is thy key to partake in this grand tournament, where Fame and Glory await the bold-hearted.

Raffle Tickets, indeed, are as plentiful as the stars in the night sky. Cast thy vote, reblog the missives of the day, or engage in spirited discourse with thy fellow denizens, and thou shalt be rewarded with these precious tokens. The more thou dost engage, the greater thy hoard of Tickets shall grow. Persevere in thy daily endeavors, and soon thy name shall ascend to the zenith of the list, shining bright for all to see.

Take heart, aspiring champions, and let thy presence be known. For in the Arena of Chance, every action, every word, and every gesture brings thee closer to the laurels of victory.