The mere possibility that cards (i.e., NFTs) in possession of a player might become forever locked is a terrible decision. The main motivation to play the game these last few years was to build a nice collection of reward cards, max them out for gameplay, and then have some extra for selling later. Now most of us, the few players that remain, will be forced to accept the fact that all those cards will never be truly ours, and we won't be able to sell the extras cards we've got.
This decision will lead to the death of the game, sooner or later. Why would anyone bother to play, if the only cards that can be earnt will never be truly yours? If there's no point in playing, one might as well sell all his cards and try to recoup from his losses elsewhere.
Assets locked forever is utterly incompatible with Web3 gaming. We hope the team will come to their senses and reverse course on this destructive decision.