At the time of writing SPT is worth $0.00844 which is amazing. This made me wonder how much a top blogger makes here on splintertalk. Let’s see!
1. clove71
I start with her because I think she is one of the most famous bloggers. Her posts are videos from 3speak and she makes live streams too, so she has multiple source of her income but let’s focus on her posts alone for now. In August she made 10 posts and earned 18029 SPT from them. That is $152.
2. bulldog1205
“The famous splinterlands youtuber” - I have seen this sentence on discord multiple times. Just like clove, he has multiple income sources. In splintertalk, he made 12 posts in august which made 8316 SPT ($70) for him. That may not sound a lot, but he made 15 posts and 35 654 SPT ($300) since then. He also has ~2000 SPT pending. And the month is not over yet!
3. brybro27
He made AMA summaries only recently, but that seems to be highly profitable. For example, the summary for September 3rd made 11662 SPT ($98). That is from 1 post!
4. imno
Let’s see someone else, an “average” blogger. (Average income, but great content!) Imno is a “veteran” blogger I follow. He writes detailed market speculations with very good points. However, he does not have the fame he deserves. His recent posts make ~200 SPT ($1.6) on average. Not bad, but far from great. I hope he will get more followers from this post.
I hope this post helps every new splintertalk writer, what can they expect. :)