Dear @groentje...
Have you ever studied manners during your school?
and did your parents teach you the etiquette of politeness to your fellow human beings?
if you're the best person on splintertalk you should have told the person who made trash post first!! Don't make the decision to downvote.. without telling the post owner.. we both learn goodness for the better.
I'm sorry if you're offended🙏
@groentje yang baik... pernahkah selama anda sekolah , belajar sopan santun? dan apakah orang tua anda mengajari Tatakrama kesopanan terhadap sesama manusia?
jika anda orang yang terbaik di splintertalk seharusnya anda memberi tahu lebih dahulu kepada seseorang yang membuat postingan sampah!! Jangan ambil keputusan untuk Downvote.. tanpa memberi tahu pemilik post.. kita sama-sama belajar kebaikan
jika kamu tersinggung dengan perkataan saya ... saya mohon maaf🙏
I try to do notify everybody on the first post, rarely anybody reacts.
Ps. To be honnest, i'm quite impressed with the skill you put in the comment, The translation is subtle.
Posted using Splintertalk