Hello Splinterlands Community, for this week I will share a certain ranked battle I had where I manage to take down the enemy team using the rulesets that are present in that match. Those rulesets requires strategic planning when building the team and that helps me win the match.
My Battle
This is the ranked battle that I want to share where I used mostly monsters that has a flying ability to avoid being affected by the earthquake ruleset. If you're interested on the outcome of this match you can watch it by clicking the link below.
The Ruleset
There are two rulesets for this match, the first one is the Counterspell. This ruleset gives all the monsters on the battlefield the magic reflect ability. That ability causes all magic dealing monsters to take back damage whenever it strikes a unit. It puts magic damage based team composition on a big disadvantage for this kind of match.
The other ruleset in this match is earthquake. This ruleset causes all non flying monsters in the battlefield to take 2 melee damage every round. This ruleset can eliminate an entire team if that team does not have any monsters with a flying ability or does not have enough armor to absorb the damage coming from the ruleset.
My Lineup
Summoner: Obsidian
I used Obsidian as my summoner for this battle, it gives +1 magic damage to all my units at the start of the match. The buff from this summoner was ineffective for this match since I did not use any magic damage monster on my team. It was a mistake on my part to choose this summoner and it would be better if I used Wizard of Eastwood for this match to negate any armor that the enemy team may have.
Monster 1 : Fungus Fiend
I placed Fungus Fiend in the first position. It does not deal huge damage at all and also a very fragile card. This card does not cost any mana so it would not be too much a lost if this card was taken down immediately by the enemy team.
Monster 2 : Xenith Monk
I also used my Xenith Monk for this battle. It does not deal big melee damage like Fungus Fiend however, it has a good amount of health which makes it suitable to be placed in the first position. This card can be used as a frontline for the team and does not cost a lot of mana to be able to be deploy in the battlefield.
Monster 3 : Pelacor Mercenary
I also used my Goil Foil Pelacor Mercenary in this battle. It deals a decent amount of melee damage to the enemies. This card also has a great amount of health at the same time an armor which makes this card durable when placed in the first position. It also has the flying ability which makes this card not affected by the earthquake ruleset.
Monster 4 : Nectar Queen
I also used Nectar Queen for this battle. It deals a huge amount of melee damage to the enemies and also has a great amount of health. This card deals the most damage among the team and it requires to be placed in the first position in order to strike down the enemy. Just like Pelacor Mercenary it also has the flying ability which makes this card not affected by the earthquake ruleset.
Monster 5 : Vampire Bat
Lastly I placed my Vampire Bat in the last position. It does not deal huge damage to the enemies considering that it is a low mana card but it can be useful and be effective in battles. This card is also a flying unit which makes this card not affected by the damage coming from the earthquake ruleset.
On the first round my team was already in a disadvantage when the enemy team was able to take down my Fungus Fiend and Xenith Monk. The counterspell ruleset somehow manages to deal damage back to the magic dealing monsters of the enemy and the only monsters left on my team are the ones with the flying ability.
During the second round the enemy team was almost wiped out when the earthquake ruleset takes affect where it instantly took down the enemies Chaos Agent, Mycelic Morphoid and Djinn Biljka. The counterspell ruleset also works well in my favor in this round where it causes the Magi of Chaos to be defeated after it lands a magic damage to my Pelacor Mercenary.
During the third round my team was able to take down the enemy's Centauri Mage also with the help of the earthquake ruleset. My Pelacor Mercenary was also taken down in this round which leaves me with two monsters remaining wherein they are both in good condition heading in to the next round.
It was a back and forth action between Nectar Queen and Regal Peryton in the final rounds of this match. During the fourth round, my Nectar Queen misses its attack to the enemy's Regal Peryton while the Regal Peryton manages to deal magic damage to my Nectar Queen which causes my Nectar Queen to deal back damage to the Regal Peryton with the help of the counterspell ruleset. During the fifth round my Nectar Queen manages to deal melee damage to the Regal Peryton that secures me this victory.
Thank you so much for reading my post, If you haven't tried playing Splinterlands, I'll suggest to start playing right now using my referral link below.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121