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RE: I Was Wrong About SPS

in Splinterlands8 months ago

It will likely continue to decline unless the DAO starts doing somthing with its money to improve things like JV with SPL to generate revenue for its self bc with out the dao generating revenue I see SPS going to much lower than this as it dilutes its market cap with staking rewards with out adding any value bc they seem to be anti spend any money on the JV type deals like promo cards etc which is one way the DAO can make money but sitting there doing nothing with the money wont get the game anywhere there is not enough in the treasury for it to just invest it and use the cash flow to fund the game ventures. That would be the ultimate set up like a endowment but they didnt sell off enough SPL assets when prices were higher to even get close and now were stuck with out a listing which we could have paid for instead of just lose the value in unlrealized declines in SPS we could have paid for it instead and alot of other things then at least the money would have been spent and not just lost bc we did nothign and value decreased. Even since last week the mkt cap went down millions we could have used the millions to fund something with SPL or done anyhing with it. Right now were in a perpetual cycle of decreasing prices as players want to sell any excess units they dont need my self included to buy likely better performing crypto like btc or eth etc. I am putting all my SPS earnings except a % into BNB and BTC and USDC for now and then deploying those assets into cash flowing protacols that are performing much better which gives me exposure to likely larger gains and that will recover my cost basis from SPl faster if i re invest outside the game as I dont see it turning around for at least months if they start doing things to bring in new players and the DAO actually starts not making decisions that dont help the game grow. I am not really bullish on SPS and thank god I got that down to a risk adjusted level im comfortable holding in the current state of things which is only a few hudnred K SPS which i used to have a few million thank god I sold that off much earlier in the year seeing this likely coming when they threw out all the diff prodcuts at once and the focus was all over the place that was a warning sign as the community could not handle all the costs of being involved in the new games. They tried to extrract to much from the current base to support GLG and the other games which is why GLG is basically a way to get SPS at this point as is with COLONY as well and then SPS is used to likely get DEC or buy bnb with SPS as DEC and SPS are what can be sent to BSC from the game. Also there is a big risk that one or more of the large whales decides to sell out and pull there liquidity etc and with out them there is no liquidity if you look at the pool make ups there are a few people who control most of the lps and if they sell prices crash and liquidity drys up. That is another reason I am downsizing to reflect the risk increase lately. This is a problem bc many players are likely thinking like I am and reducing exposure to get there risk out and leave any profits or a risk level that is much less to match the heightened risk causing assets top sprirl down and market buying to dry up compared to when I could easily list a card and sell it now I need to wait sometimes months to sell something and the more epxenseive cards the longer you need to wait which now prbably keeps ppl from buying anything over x price as they will have liquidty issues. The largest holders are really the ones who are in trouble and liekly i think they are slowly selling off assets accumulating sps and selling that off as much as possible with out taking down the market bc they have to be de risking like many others and with no new players to abosorb it prices are likely dropping more in the next few months if nothing changes to reverse this. Changing inflation wont help it just helps the large players solidify there position bc before they got the crazy inflation now they want it to stop so they can be the ones to supply the SPS to people who need it. Its obvious why say people with 10 million SPS want inflation to stop so no one can catch up to them and then they can keep selling there staking rewards as well as keep there power in the DAO while others have to now buy from them bc rewards have been cut so much.

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