Splinterlands - Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge - Time Mage

in Splinterlands3 years ago


Welcome to this week's #Splinterlands "Share your battle" weekly challenge. This time the theme is Time Mage!!!

This is our Guild account (HODL-MY-DEC is our guild name) and we have 1 battle to share with you which shows a common use of this card for lower mana Life teams.



In order to play Time Mage, you have to pick a Life summoner.


We like to rent Lorna Shine because of her Divine Shield ability and we find her especially useful in lower mana battles where the 1 free hit can really help lead to a win. The shield will even prevent 1 hit of earthquake, but it does not stop poison in the Noxious Fumes rule-set.



These low/lower mana battles have a pretty standard go-to team for us. We will show you this particular battle's line up and then talk about the monsters used.





One major benefit of Divine Shield is that your tank doesn't have to be as beefy because it will survive the first hit guaranteed. It also can be good to put a few monsters out instead of 1 bigger one because each monster gets the Divine Shield buff. Going with the 1 mana Gargoya Scrapper is a simple way to buy time and sometimes even sneak in 1 hit of damage to the enemy.

The real tank used in these lower mana battles in the Pelacor Conjurer who has decent hit points, but also comes with a mid level of speed plus flying which can create opportunities for the enemy to miss and you last just a little longer. He also is the primary Snipe target which can possibly be dodged.

Stitch Leech brings a strong 2 melee damage plus it attacks the enemy's rear first with sneak. Most other cards in this mana range only offer 1 damage.

Lastly is our featured monster, Time Mage. She not only does 1 magic damage which is a great attack to utilize, but she has an awesome ability which slows the enemy team by 1. 4 speed for herself and 3 health also give her a decent chance to survive/avoid a hit or 2. Bringing up the slow ability one more time, we will circle back to our Pelacor Conjurer who now gains a slightly better edge at times because the enemy has an additional 10% greater chance to miss our more appropriate tank!


The Battle



13 mana is about as low as we can go and still use Time Mage, but pretty much any battle 13 and up we are either using Time Mage for sure, or at least heavily considering her. (Except for Reverse Speed rule-sets, don't forget she is then buffing the enemy by reducing their speed!)


The Result

If you didn't watch the battle yourself, then we will give a run down for you:

The slow came in super clutch and somehow got their only 1 speed slower tank to miss our little guy twice! Our Scrapper can't do any damage due to the Chaos Knight's shield ability, but he is stalling for time very well just by surviving. The third hit is also survived thanks to the Divine Shield from Lorna.

Our initial tank is finally taken out and we also lose our Time Mage, but she put in some decent damage along the way. Sadly even with a 3 speed difference, she never dodges a hit from the enemy. The Stitch Leech does the most work by coming from behind to take out the enemy's Gargoya Scrapper and Stitch Leech.

The Pelacor Conjurer finally gets to do his thing and cause some misses with the speed plus flying advantages.

A few more hits by our Stitch Leech and we come out victorious!


Final Thoughts

Time Mage is a very useful monster to add to your line up and needs to always be considered. Even if going with a Sloan ranged squad, a lot of them are slow speed monsters and the Time Mage can help make sure you land your hits.

Overall, Splinterlands is a great game to play and the fact that it is a #Play2Earn game makes it even better!

Help us out with a LIKE and maybe even a FOLLOW so you can continue to see our guild's tips and watch us grow.

DEC HODLers Unite!


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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar